What About the Trinity?

I am a Roman Catholic. I was completely raised with the idea of the Trinity. However, I am having some doubts and questions. Here's the main question: If I were to conclude that the Trinity isn't a true doctrine, then does that result in my committing the "unpardonable sin" of blaspheming the Holy Ghost? I'm not saying in any way that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are non-existent. But is Jesus Christ to be worshipped as God? I'm thinking these days that Christ may have been pointing the way TO God, instead of saying He actually WAS God.

Don't quote St. John 1:1 to me, unless you have a good explanation of it. I don't understand how people automatically equate "the Word" in that verse with Christ, anyway.

Note: If you can't answer seriously, please don't waste your time and mine. Also, NO huge cut-and-paste piles of Biblical quotations, please. No links to Wikipedia. I'm just looking for various thoughts and opinions on the subject.


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You have asked a very sensible question. Unfortunately the answer is too long to post here.

Jesus was the first one (or entity of any kind) created by God. JEsus was then used by God as his agent in creating all things Colossians 1 says

"15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 16 because by means of him all things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All things have been created through him and for him. 17 Also, he is before all things and by means of him all things were made to exist,"

Some one else has quoted a lot of texts to try to prove the trinity all of them can be asnswered in context to show that the trinity is not a scriptual teaching.

Jesus is the son of God, no part of a trinity of any sort.

The Holy Gohst is Gods Spirit (the word spirit means "a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze)

Jesus is NOT to be worshiped in a religous sense, but he is to be shown due honor for who he is. Only his Father and His God (John 20:18 in the Catholic Douay Bible says "17 Jesus saith to her: Do not touch me: for I am not yet ascended to my Father. But go to my brethren and say to them: I ascend to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God.") is to be worshiped in a regous sense.

There are 6 different Greek words in the Bible rendered as worship into English. The word where Jesus is said to be worshiped literaly means "to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand" so it means to "prostrate oneself in homage"

The roll of Jesus was to reconcile mankind back to God, so yes he pointed the way to God but is not God

for more information e-mail me

Hannah J Paul2006-05-29T16:27:14Z

Having doubts about a doctrine, any doctrine, does not automatically equate to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The Greek term for blasphemy basically means injurious, defamatory, or abusive speech. But it also includes the act of claiming the attributes or prerogatives of God, or ascribing these to another person or thing.

If you are having doubts or questions, then you should by all means do a thorough research on the doctrine using the Bible as well as perhaps bible encyclopedias. It may seem a difficult task but it really isn't.


St. Patrick told my folks the evil gaels that the clover shows the simplest explanation God is a unit one thing with three parts ,,but listen ,,God needs man for fellowship and so he became flesh to return to us the hope of eternal life and the spirit of God is now here on earth finishing the times out as intercessor for our souls and so each part of God is necessary to the plan and we pray in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost ,,, good luck its something pretty weak to worry about really ,,just love God and thy Neighbors and do the best you can and let GoD be God and you be the best you ,,you can be AMEN


Answering from a viewpoint outside of catholicism, I would say that Jesus was indeed pointing the way (I understand it as "I am the son of god, and so are you...").

Of course, with so many years and interpretations since the original episode, there are always some explanations that get promoted and accepted over others.

Every philosophical issue has given birth to religious thought. And every religion has its dogmas. I personally find that christianity is the result of some faulty logical reasonings (mind you, I respect everyone's way of reaching for and understanding the unexplained).

Good luck!


I am also Roman Catholic and have come to doubt some of the religious teachings of the church. I don't believe in the trinity. I believe in God the father, his son Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost is representation of the holy spirit of God and I do not believe the Holy Ghost is a third person of the Trinity. This is my opinion. As to "the Word" equating to Christ...Christ was the Word of his Father and when he was on earth taught the Word of his FAther.

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