Now that the leaves are dying off, what is the best way to lift Tulip Bulbs for the fall?


I know exactly where they are, they are just getting overrun by neighboring bushes and would like to move them back out into prominence. So I am curious as to what is the best way to ensure that they live their move.


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Since you've stated that you know where the bulbs are then you can go ahead and dig them up. Use a small hand shovel and don't "bare root" them. Leave as much dirt around the bulb as possible and then replant at least 6 inches deep in the new spot. It may be easier to leave the dying foliage on until you have then replanted, this way you can see exactly where they will come up next year and how they might look. The longer you leave the foliage on the bigger and more productive your bulbs will be. The dying foliage actually feeds the bulb through the summer and creates beautiful blooms the next year. Good Luck!!!


Dig them up with a pitch fork or similiar tool, place them in a Brown paper bag, from Grocery store, keep them in the Basement away from heat. The bulbs will be abut 6 inches deep- so go under that depth.

karin w2006-05-30T02:07:47Z

Just dig them up with a pitch fork. Either dry them and keep them in a dark, dry place until fall or plant them right away .. about 6-8 inches deep.


When you plant the bulbs, mark them with a flag. At Home Depot they sell these flags with a wire that you stick in the ground, usually to mark sprinkler heads. I use them when I plant my own. I hope this helps.