Has anyone ever threatened you with flying monkeys?

I don't think they exist.


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My sister always threatens to call her flying monkeys when I can't help her out. I say, "Ya, well I haven't been the same since that little ***** from Kansas dropped her trailer house on me..."


I think I've actually got one living in my backyard. I've never seen it on the ground, only in some very tall trees, so I think it's of the flying variety.

a kinder, gentler me2006-06-08T03:54:09Z

Any monkey can fly if you throw them far enough!


a woman threatened me the other day, i think she was a witch...she might have mentioned monkeys


yes! I have been ... and not by a witch either! or atleast I don't think she is one.... my boss told me to be good or she would send her flying monkeys after me ..... hmmmm

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