What would you do if William Shatner Kung-Fu kicked your front door down?

and yes he is wearing his star trek uniform...


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It would be on from there... you would hear that music from the pon farr episode..da..da.dah..dah..dah. dah...da.. dah ..da.da..dah. ...I would attack him but he would block and karate chop my neck with both hands..(see im holding back cause i like Kirk ,But NOBODY, kung fu kicks my door down,cept Bruce Lee..Kirk would be tripping..) we would fight for a minute and just as im about to hit him with my Bong...that treacherous vulcan Spock would nerve pinch me and as i faded from conciousnes... i would hear Mckoy say "dammit Jim, I know we dont have Holodecks yet, but you cant just slingshot back through time,beam down and play bounty hunter with these people for entertainment, im a doctor ,not a...." sudenly spock nerve pinches him, and i hear Kirk say as i black out "Good work ,Spock. That should put the TImeline back in order...... "


I would say James Tiberius Kirk you have gone "Where No Man Has Gone Before" and on this Star date of 2269.01 Ia m going to contact Starfleet Command right now and have you returned to Starfleet Academy, to be busted down to a Sargent.
you have broke down a door of Admiralty and you r busted
but hey lets sit down and drink some Raomulan Ale while we wait for the Starfleet Command Police to come.

hey by the way can I have an autograph while we wait?


Call Chuck Norris


I would ask him to do a rendition of a Burt Bacharach son. Whilst he was murdering "Raindrops keep fallig on my head" I would sneak round the back of him and **** him with a bookcase

Edit; Of course that should read "Burt Bacharach song"

a kinder, gentler me2006-06-08T03:53:18Z

Put him in front of a mirror. The guy is totally in love with himself. He'd get lost in the reflection!

Denny Crane!

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