I don't understand how people get away with arguing that all white Southerners are dumb racist rednecks, but it is a faux-pas to generalize people of other races. Personally, I don't generalize, but I am curious as to how people rationalize the argument that all white Southern people are ignorant racist hillbillies.
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This misconception is the result of several factors. I'll address the major factor. The entertainment industry has greatly influenced the masses into thinking the south is full of illiterate, un-bathed, and toothless homophobes. So blame the media/entertainment complex.
The truth is that the term "southern hospitality" comes from the ongoing tradition that true Southerners will welcome anyone in and treat them like family.
The south has its past and its flaws, but those in the south don't deserve the pre-judgment they've received over the years. After all, it's those damn Yankees that are unkind and impolite and rude and obnoxious and blah blah blah.
I guess human nature may play a part in this. That's why legitimate IQ tests are designed differently for specific geographic locations. Right?
Having lived in the west, mid-west, south, and mid-atlantic, I can honestly say southerners are not all racist morons. I think that this stereotype is kept alive based on the poor education system in the deep south. Not all southern states have completely recovered from the reconstruction era. Southern states are consistently at the bottom nation wide when it comes to education.
The racist thing is beyond me. I know that the south fought over the right of a state to choose whether or not they could have slavery, but that was 145 years ago. Even then, the entire country would be considered racist by today's standards. As for today, I believe the south is pretty tolerant of all races. I saw more rebel flags in Ohio than I have ever seen in the south.
Overall, it is just another stupid stereotype. Unfortunately people take them seriously sometimes. I live in the south now and I have never laughed harder than I did the first time I saw the Family Guy episode when they were living in the south. It is so not true it is funny. I wouldn't let a little thing like this get to you.
I agree with you, but I tend to believe that there are a lot more racist individuals in the Southern States than any where else. According to The Southern Poverty Law Center there are more Racial Hate Groups per Ca pita in the Southern States than any where else in the Country. The South is the birthplace of the KKK. In this political age of Conservatism, I think that Racist's feel a lot more comfortable maintaining and spreading their views. Racial Hate Group enrollment is up 33% over the last five years. Violence has also increased everywhere over the last five years.
Of course, historically, there has been a lot of truth to it but it really become the exception, not the rule. Things have changed a lot. Northerners can be just as racist sometimes. It's just that they have generally been more subtle about it. Everybody has some prejudice but most people know better than to let it get the best of them. There's a smidgen of truth to most stereotypes. At least you could probably say Southerners are more honest about their feelings.
There are many areas of the south that are much as there were more than 50 years ago as far as racism. There are many areas and many people who are not that way. People are ignorant if they think that this happens only in the south; that is why so many people in other parts of the country get away without being tagged as racist. I do believe that why people may be more racist in some areas asa opposed to others is simply because of exposure to more cultures. I say it all the time, if you meet people from other cultures and races and befirend them, it is hard to make sweeping generalities like that.