How long does it usually take to get homestudy appointment till final adoption ?

I am waiting to get the homestudy and wondering how long is average till its all final.


I have the children living with me, Mom visits and is willingly letting us adopt and just waiting for homestudy that CPS is setting up.


Favorite Answer

Just went through this last year. It took us 6 months. Find out who your case worker is and call him/her. Find out where you are on their list. And depending on where the court is, if your final date is coming soon then call everyday.


it all depends on the agency. may take up to 6-12 mnths for adoption to take place. My Husband to be and I want to adopt, I've done alot of research and thats what I've found. Good Luck


We currently went through this and it took 6 weeks.

Mom to Foster Children2006-06-12T12:57:11Z

Depends on what type of adoption you are who are available now, kids who still have visits with parents, baby adoptions, nationally / internationally...