How drastically changed were the people in your high school when you went back for a reunion?

Did anything really shock you?


Thanks for all the answers guys. I can't wait to see what happens at mine. My class already has two people in prison.

John in Jersey2006-06-14T21:31:44Z

Favorite Answer

Greetings from inside the Yahoo Brain in New York City!
Hope you're catching the live webcast at: !

I went to my 10-year reunions (yeah, there were two of them) 2 years ago and I have to say, I was VERY surprised at how little most of the people had changed. Sure, there was the occasional nerd that had turned it around, or wallflower that had blossomed into a hottie, but for the vast majority, it was all the same. The jocks were still jocky, the geeks were still geeky, the popular girls still thought they were popular, and the troublemakers weren't there because they were all in jail.

Hope this helps!


You know it's weird, some people look exactly the same, while others I didn't even recognize. I was surprised that guys that had that long "Def Leppard" hair were balding, and the girls that were svelte had gained so much weight after their marriages. Also, I was astonished at some of their accomplishments, and what they had become, macho guys became artists or authors, and the shyest guy in class was a mediator. Hey you never know. It was good to see everyone again though.


My grade eleven foods and nutrition teacher showed up, drunk. My biology partner followed me in a bathroom stall and asked if I wanted to party. My best friend from high-school did not show up because he was and is serving a long prison sentence for a series of arsons. I sat at a table with my high-school girlfriend and listened to her sob uncontrollably over the recent death of her cat, the oldest according to her. Nope no surprises. I did get busted for making out with a buddies wife, but that was par for the course for me. Weddings and high-school reunions have always been great places to find willing partners for make-out sessions.


The 10 year reunion wasnt much of a change but the 20 yr one was a hoot and rude awakening!Guys became bald and fat..or gray haired and wrinkled..and same for the reality suks!..=)

Cheshire Cat2006-06-13T06:34:11Z

I felt sorry for the cheerleaders.
One got married, which was good because that's what she wanted, but she got really fat.
Another was drugged out and seemed kind of brain damaged.
The one that I had the biggest crush on apparently smoked and drank herself to an early old age... or maybe it was heroine... Anyhow, she looked at least 10 years older than me and I was almost the oldest in my class!

The football guys didn't do quite so bad. Some were still fit and successful, although most of them are in factory jobs and not making as much as you'd expect. I guess their "good-ol-boys network" took care of them. The guy that went to West Point didn't bother to show up, but I expect he is doing the best even though the class nerd is making a 6-digit income in chemical engineering.

Me, I didn't change as much as I should have. I didn't aspire to quite as much as my peers expected, even if they envied a couple of the jobs I've had since we graduated... Anyhow, I'm still kind of a snob in response to some of the old prejudices and anger that is still there.

Guys lost some hair! I was was surprised that one of my best friends who happened to be almost the spitting image of a blonde Ken doll in high school really went a little bald up top early! I guess maybe deciding to have kids right after college can do that to a man?

One of my classmates... we had a kind of nice relationship - friends, you know... We flirted at the last reunion. Maybe the kind of thing that leads to marriage. She was beautiful and planning on going into medical school... But then I learned that she was playing on a women's (American) football league as a linebacker and then saw her broken knuckles... I panicked and got snobby and screwed it up, but partly because I was thinking "how they heck can you go around screwing up your hands and expect to be a successful doctor!!!?" And what if she gets a concussion?? Hell, I don't even like football... Feh. Whatever... Still, maybe Paul Fussell's book "Class" has poisoned my brain...

Anyhow, lots changed...

Oh, yeah. The guy that told dirty jokes in class became a priest! What a hoot!

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