Best fashion magazine: Elle, Marie Claire, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar? And why?

I've read all these magazines in my lifetime and would like to hear others' opinions on their favorite and why. I'm also open to other suggestions besides the four magazines I listed. Am I forgetting one? Which magazine is really the most fashion forward and relevant? Which is the best predictor of what people will wear and what will be hip in future seasons? Tell me, I'm waiting!


Favorite Answer

Predicting fashion is a tough cookie, some tips:

I normally don`t find those magazines you mention very "in front" the are leading edge NOT bleeding edge (in my humble opinion as a fashion designer you need to look more to

- look more to magazines of art and design like:

Publications from Studio Li Edelkoort (trend forecasting)
Bloom (from Studio Li E.)

- and to see tendencies of other designers worldwide
Collezione Dona
Collections (Japanese)


W- in my opinion it pulls in the resource of its daily paper WWD (Womens Wear Daily) which has all the comings and goings of the fashion world in a trade paper sense including all the nuts and bolts from accessories to gossip for the month very well. Plus it is oversized which I like and although not as edgy as some of the younger papers such as Oyster- it has consistently interesting editorial. So if stranded on a desert island with only ONE mag to get a subscription to- W would keep you the most in the loop with the ENTIRE fashion business.


I always loved Elle magazine because of the fashions.


Elle magazine they give great fashion tips and are perfect remodels


I like Vogue. The clothes are unique and cool. It has an overall good layout and it's pretty interesting to read.

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