your all time favourite movie and why? Mine is Top Gun coz Ice Man was hot :)?


OK..more than one if you cannot choose between most favourites :)


Favorite Answer

Just one? Nooooo
Casablanca - great writing. Rick's struggle with the moral and ethical dilemas of the time was terrifically played by Bogart.

Shawshank Redemption - get busy livin' or get busy dyin'

Body Heat - fabulous writing by Lawrence Kasdan. Steamy jazz score. Nuanced performance by William Hurt is just too good. The whole overlay of heat and steam in the Florida scenery was very effective.


i don't think of so until eventually he has a time gadget, as this movie became made contained in the mid-80s and the section became performed by Val Kilmer. If the movie were remade, that is accessible yet no longer very achievable, as i believe he works in the clinical career? i imagine any producer desirous to re-make this kind of blockbuster would favor someone with extensively extra appearing skills, gravitas and visibility interior of Hollywood. tigertigertiger - introducing reasoning into the equation skill you'd be combating an uphill conflict...


To pick just one movie doesn't seem fair with all the great flicks out there. So today my favorite is

Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlee

The power of conviction and the struggles of the main character Anne have been dear to me since I was in the 4th grade. She is a character struggling with the hand life dealt her and it isn't always pretty. I shared in her growing pains to which lent me comfort.

Kristie P2006-06-29T03:24:34Z

Forest Gump! Tom Hanks is great in everything but I really like the whole point of this movie.


"The castaway". Maybe coz it's based on my life :) I went through the worst, hanging on to myself, expecting my love to triumph with me in the end. But on the contrary, I saw my love falling into somebody else's arms in the end.

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