Ok... Now I need some Real answers here.Can I get them??? I was with a woman for 9 years I lost her due to me?

Now here it is almost 6 yrs later and I have changed(trust me) She still talks to me and is my friend so how do I get her to come back my way as I do truly love her and want her but without her throwing the past back into my face?


Favorite Answer

show her that u have change, court her, start from step 1. be her friend etc etc do not rush on things. slowly but surely


If she has been around you all this time she should be able to see the change herself, she may feel the same way as you do. I suggest that you sit her down since she is a friend and talk with her about it. As far as her throwing the past in your face, you are bringing the past (relationship)back up as well, you want her back like it was in the past,without the bs i'm sure. You may understand more what she feels and what she may be basing her decision to be with or without you. Just listen and talk it out and you will be able to confirm your decision to go back with her or not. Time will reveal...good luck


i certainly don't doubt that you've changed. it's been a long time and we all grow older and wiser. why do you want to go backwards? i would suggest going forwards and meeting someone new and having a fresh start. it's great that you are still friends, but trying to rekindle a relationship is asking for disappointment. you obviously needed each other during those 9 years to learn a few life lessons and you've learnt them now, so pass the "new you" onto someone else that you can begin a new life with. (ps - and yes, women don't forget, so i don't think there is a good chance she'd forget everything and not bring it up!")


running away from what you did for 6 years doesn't change what you did. if she still talks to you though apparently she isn't holding too big a grudge. is she involved with anyone else? do you have any real reason to believe she is interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you? if so then try it and if you really, truly love her then you'll be willing to have a talk about what you did, she'd be a fool not to bring it up actually. the question you need to ask is this..is she worth it to you? if she's not leave her alone anyway.


ok....i think it will depend on her....if u all r really good friends and she sees the changes but still doesn't have the desire to go back the relationship then....maybe to much damage has been done.....but if u talk to her about it and shes still has no desire then that bridge has probably been burnt.......but if u have changed and r a good man now, don't waste it, give another girl a chance to love you.and who knows when ur ex sees ur really moving on then she may come back running.....out of fear of losing u.....if ur just holding on hoping...and she knows it, then u may be holding on awhile cause she knows u will.....kinda like a payment (electric bill) u know it's due and u got to pay it soon but u keep thinking "well i have 7 more days" so u take the 7 days...then after that u call to get a couple more weeks extention and they give it to u and u TAKE IT(the whole 7 days)...but then when u know they r on their way to cut ur power off, then u get off ur *** and run and pay it....before u lose ur electricity.....kinda same here she will take all the time u give her.......and i wish i knew more about the relationship and the problems that got u to ur point.....cause alittle more detail would have made it easier to help....but GOOD LUCK!!!! and when u get tire of holding on, move to a different tree...LOL........and about the part about her throwing it up....that is a hard thing to do..cause if u have done her really wrong..then she is aways going to feel like u owe her.....and that she has rights and u have none.....i know cause me and my ex is there and if i ever took him back....i feel like he should kiss my ***...and if he done one thing wrong i would probably give him hell over it.....and thats no way 4 a relationship to be..so i went my own way

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