are there people here you follow because they inspire you with thier questions or answers?


I try to answer every question to the best of my ability. There are some people that inspire me so i check to see if they have entered a new question.. some have really inspiring answers, too! some are enigmas so i check thier question/answer pages. its fun.


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Yes! Quite a few!

I hope people look up MY answers out of curiosity, like I do OTHERS.

They might just like what they see!

I would LOVE it if I had a small Molly fan club. And who wouldn't?

That would be the ultimate compliment.

Has ANYONE clicked on my avatar and read my answers and comments? That's how I learn SO much about people on here.
There are a LOT of brilliant minds in here. You just have to look for them.

I AM DEFINITELY NOT CONCEITED OR FULL OF MYSELF but I think a LOT of people would enjoy reading the things I have said.

I can be very funny. I have cracked a lot of people up.

I'm just a tiny bit different but in a good way.

I have fallen in LOVE with many people on here and they don't even know it.

When I say.."Fallen in love," I mean in a plutonic way!


Maybe, now some people will look at my Yahoo history and let me know if they like me or they think I'm flakier than a Kellog's factory! Lol!


I don't seem to follow anyone although on occasion I do answer a few of their questions at that time, if they are good ones.

I wouldn't know if anyone follows me except for a couple people that I have pissed off.

It seems that some people just can't take the truth about themselves... OH WELL Sucks to be them...


This person...Melancholy Girl, has like thousands of points, right? At first I thought she was annoying because some of her questions are stupid. But then I read that she loved Tori Amos and then it became easier to like her...and she actually does give good answers to some questions and some of her questions are kinda cool. Anyone know who I'm talking about?


No, but I have checked some people's other questions and answers to see if there's a pattern to them and there usually is. I really try to ask thought-provoking questions and hope for unusual answers, but sometimes it's just the same old nonsense. Most people don't answer consistently enough for me to follow them.

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