What type of furnace should I buy for my rental condo?
I can go with one which is 92% AFUE efficient and costs more, or one that is 80% efficient and costs less. I hear the more efficient ones need more repairs. Anyone have experience with new furnaces?
JUDAS PRIEST2006-07-02T06:13:44Z
Favorite Answer
if your renting, go with the 80 if you plan on staying longer than 10 years, you may want to consider the more efficient one. either way , i would deffinately pay for extended part/labor warranties! if they do not offer 5 or 10 yr on part and labor... find a dealer and brand that does. both types of furnaces are good performers, but it would take 10 yr to recoupe the savings in gas vs. cost of 92+. you are right about the repair costs which is not the norm, but can happen... they dont make things like they used to! which is why i strongly suggested warranty and right type of warranty. be careful! use reputable company and ask lots or questions! i do know carrier has these such warranties. and they make a good product.
if you are renting why are you replacing it... if you get tossed out I in a month you loose everything you have sunk into this RENTAL... check the laws in your area seems to me that it's not your problem but the landlords and if you own and are renting it out.... then look around and check out the website of all the ones you are thinking of and then look at the warranty for each model... try checking with better business bureau for possible problems... you might also want to look at recalls web sites to see if the one you chose has been recalled