Why do so many people on here say the Nazis were Socialist?

I have read this over and over again and it disturbs me. Is history being so poorly taught that people don't understand the difference between Fascism and Socialism?

Anyone who uses sladerous insults will be reported. I simply want to know why people seriously seem to think this falacy is true.

Here are some primers to use when answering:

(Note the word Socialist in the name of the party is NOT reflective of philosphy. Is this the basis for confusion?)


Iconoclast...I like your description, however, when I see it on here, it's always "Nazis were Socialists!" as if anyone with a left-leaning view is out to kill millions of people.

So agreed, but the Nazi's were no more "socialist" than the US is today. It's the misuse of the term, and the mixing of contexts that disturbs me.


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the word NAZI is short for national socialist, perhaps you should research that. And facism is simply strict authoritarian socialism. fascism is from a three pronged differentiation btween governmental economic arrangements: Communism, Fascism and Capitalism. Communism is the abolition of private property, where the state has sole control over the means of production, money is not used as a medium of exchange in this system. Capitalism is the polar to Communism, it is a system where the means of production are in private hands, money is actively used as exchanges are all voluntary, private property rights are are a central tenet of this system, Fascism is an odd mix of the two, operational control of the means of production are left in private hands, however the state remains supreme over all. Money is used as a medium of exchange but again it is not tied to the production of the nation but rather the state sets it value through various macroeconomic controls, private property exists only in so far as the state permits it. Hitler termed it this way:

"Let them own land or factories as much as they please. The decisve factor is that the State is supreme over them, regardless of whether they are owners or workers."

A common nazi slogan was "Common good before self". Now study the definition of Sacialism (from wikipedia): "Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that envisage a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to social control. [1] As an economic system, socialism is usually associated with state or collective ownership of the means of production. This control, according to socialists, may be either direct, exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils, or it may be indirect, exercised on behalf of the people by the state" Which classification would it fall under. The fascists were socialists with a profound sense of nationalism; and if you examine the globe today you will see that all countries are in fact now socialist.

Tigga, Please2006-07-02T19:06:24Z

Yes, the word socialist in the name of the party is the basis for confusion. It seems a fallacy for Hitler to have called his a "socialist" party, but that's how it was, and its given socialism a bad name ever since.


Did ya know the Nazis were the National Socialist Party and they held a lot of Socialist ideas.


Read up on the history of the Nationalist Socialist party.

Ludwig Wittgenstein2006-07-02T18:41:54Z

You are 100% correct, Nazis=Fascist evil
Socialism=almost communism

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