What type of Republican will be nominated?

Will it be someone from the Bush camp? Or will it be a moderate like Giuliani?

I get the sense that a moderate will have difficulty in the primaries, but a conservative will have difficulty in the general election.

Try to keep it above-board and avoid insults.


I would like to know who people THINK WILL get nominated, not who people WANT.


Paydaybutte...Don't be stupid. I said I wanted serious answers. I don't give a rats *** what you think of Bush or Clinton.

Read the question. You don't deserve two points for not paying attention.


Using any opportunity to bash, eh? I asked for analysis, not rants. You lose.


Favorite Answer

The GOP will need to decide if they want to win or to make a point. If they want to win the nominee will be McCain. If they want to make a point look to Santorum or someone similar. It will not be Rudy. He is pro-gun control, pro-abortion and pro-gay marraige. Guiliani would, however, be the perfect VP. A McCain/Guiliani ticket would be almost unbeatable (Guiliana puts New York in play and McCain is very popular in California-the dems can't win unless they get both of those states).


Any one but McCain. He is way too far left for me. His campaign reform bill robs us of our freedom of speech and his ideas of giving SS benefits to illegal aliens is just not acceptable. Hoping for a centralist commonsense conservative. Sure don't need another tax and spend Democrat and the Demacrooks that have taken over their party scare the H out of me. All they want to do is raise taxes, get rid of religion, and trash the government schools even worse than they have all ready, not to even mention their open border ideas and their anti-war and anti-Bush bashing all the time. There was an interview on the Internet the other night of the premier of Kuwait and he was asked something about their security and he said he would not answer because the New York Times hadn't leaked it yet. Go figure.


A conservative all the way. The plain fact is that for many of the true issues the majority of people have conservative leanings. Immigration will be one issue where conservative will be a must.

Religious and moral values will be another very high important issues.

Plain historical fact, many of the more liberal fringe groups don't do well in getting voters out, but the conservative camps have been doing well motivating thier voters to actually vote.

Public polls mean nothing, if the people being polled don't actually go vote.


No insults. I would hope they would have the sense to nominate a moderate, intelligent person who could if elected stop all the division in our country and bring Congress into agreement or at the least, get them talking about issues instead of fighting. J. McCain would be my choice but I'd rather see him run as a Democrat. He is a capable person..


There is no Republican who can win the election.....W now has a 24% approval rating and even the loal Republicans want nothing to do with him, very few will be seeking White House support in the forthcoming elections, the Republicans screwed up the economy, a fruitless war for oil that we are losing and continues to enlarge the largest defecit in world history. That's quite a legacy to run on, they have had their day and it's time to move on and clean up the mess that we are in as Americans

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