How do you tell what box has what inside it?

Your in the space station. You have a box filled with sand and a box filled with feathers. You can't hear, feel, open, or have any other clues as to what is in which box. How do you tell what box has what inside it? Explain why!

I kid you not this question was asked in my physics class on Monday!


Thanks for not trying!

Ryan R
Take some science and then apply your logic.

Thanks for not reading.

You missed the point of the question.

synchronicit... and SumoJoe

Pretty good, but someone else had a more complete answer than you.


Jack in the box is tasty indeed


Favorite Answer

I guess the sand box will be harder to push around as it has more mass.
Weight=MassxAcceleration due to gravity.
There is no acceleration due to gravity so no weight. But maybe you can tell by the mass.Force=MassxAcceleration.
When you push them with equal force, one which goes further will have feathers.


Opening the box?


you simply look closely at it. The one with sand in it will seem "fatter" becuase it is pushing at the sides of the box, while the box with feathers will look just like a normal box!

I'm 13, but it's all in the logic........


it would have to do with the force it exerts when you catch it or stop or slow it down.
With no gravity you push both boxes and the one with more mass (I.e. the one with sand) would take much more force to stop it because of the mass is constant and force must be exerted to stop it from moving.


You'll have to move each box to one side and see how much pressure is exerted on your hand as you catch it.

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