How much have Americans saved thanks to tax cuts?

I just put this together (although I'm sure someone has thought of it before).

Using Atlanta MPA as a sample city, the average family makes $21,000 / year.(1) Therefore, Republican tax cuts save them $9 annually. (2).

The rise in gas prices will cost that same family $5772. (3) Thus a net savings of - $ 5763.

Is it any wonder that, despite good numbers, people aren't thrilled with the economy.



Let's make a correction:
Average income in Atlanta in 2004, $33,838.(4)
Tax relief: $1,549.(5)
The average in gas prices for a family in Atlanta is $2,326 (6)


So, even with numbers better corrected for errors and to make sure sources are more neuthral, the average savings is still just under negative $800.

The two may not necessarily be linked, but it does suggest people aren't doing better.


MikeFL obviously won't be coming back to see that I followed his order to "educate youself".


Favorite Answer

I think you should do some more research. There's nothing worse than your complete arrogance.

Your 1st source for income is from a 1990 census, and isn't for a family, it's for an individial.
Your 2nd source is from a blog, enough said. I just have to look at my tax returns for the past 10 years and I can tell you it's gone up, way up since Bush took office.
Your 3rd source may be accurate, but you forgot gas wasn't free before and it's caculated for a family with 2 cars.

Do youself a favor and get educated.

Follow up:

Good job Brian. Really. My point was made quite will. You looked for the correct info and now you know the facts. At least close enough. There is quite a difference between the -$777 now and -$5763 you had.

You still left out one thing, gas wasn't free before the tax cuts. If you figure at $3 a gallon now, and $1.25 before Bush. The yearly price given($2326) comes out to 15 gal a week at $3 a gal, slighly low for a family I think. 15 gal x 52 weeks x $1.25 = $975. $2326 - $975=$1351.Tax releif of $1549-$1351 = $198. That leaves the average american saving $198 a year. Compared to your oringal -$5763.

Nothing great, but gas prices are not Bush's fault, there's a whole host of reasons for it. Now if Clinton was still in office, you'd be at -$2897 or more. All things considered the economy is doing great thanks to the tax cuts. So your original question. How much have Americans saved thanks to tax cuts? I'd now say they saved our economy.


This is coming from an arch conservative.
While administration economic policy and interest rates do have some affect on the economy as a whole, the variables cover a far wider scope than either party head can ever contemplate. Take tax law for instance. Do you understand it. If you answer yes, you are a liar on a political scale. No one does. There are those who specialize in areas of tax law, but the law is far too broad for full comprehension by an individual i.e. president or an administration. Not to mention the influences caused by war, drought, pestilence etc. It is quite unfair to blame the president, either Republican or democrat for all of the country's economic woes, let alone fix them in four or even eight years..


A family making $21000 per annum is probably getting substantial welfare assistance and 'tax credits' (more welfare).

I'm pretty sure a family making that little money does not have 2 daily drivers going over 60 miles each day. Probably either has 1 car or no car. So, that's not going to cost them anything close to $5000. Also, that's total fuel cost, not just for the rise.

And what is the gas price difference you are using? And how is the price of gas related to Republicans being in office? The price per barrel is the worldwide commodity market price; it means everybody is paying more.

Your use of these disparate facts didn't come together too well, but I appreciate you actually tried to use them, unlike 99.9% of Dems.


I would like to know where this good economy is. The rich are getting richer, the big corporations are moving to other country's and there are no jobs in my newspaper. Prices are up on everything because of the cost of fuel, both for heating and transportation. Saudi Arabia must be doing well, maybe that is where the good economy is.


a lot fairly, and it really is the first in my lengthy existence the position i in my opinion talked about me attending to save extra of what I EARNED. you word the difficulty is honestly not about taxes perse, that is about fairness. The dems whine each and every of the time about we should be honest to this team or that human being, yet lets f uck the persons who artwork flat out, study, make sa crifices to do properly and succeed. you word that is discrimination at merely excellent and outright robbery. so that you imagine that is okay to discriminate adversarial to those who artwork flat out, furnish products, amenities and jobs for others? Gee all i am going to assert is your thoughts fairly sound extra like communism than freedom.

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