Why can't international cops arrest George 'Hitler' W. Bush and drag him off in chains for war crimes?

When national leaders commit crimes they cannot be judged by their own supporters. i.e. the president is subject to trial in the Senate, usually his pals.

Cops should not be investigated by other cops. Cops are investigated by Internal Affairs , other cops.

Why is it that ordinary people have to face a jury of their peers but the powerful and rich face a jury of their friends?

rich k2006-07-08T20:24:31Z

Favorite Answer

Strictly speaking there are no International Police with the authority to arrest the Head of State of a Sovereign Nation. The only times, historically, any person or persons have been tried for war crimes is after being on the losing side of a war. George W. Bush can only face trial after the U.S. is conquered and occupied by a foreign power, as we did to Germany and Japan, then he can be charged with whatever the winners wish, convicted by a fair trial, and then executed in whatever manner they choose. Remember that the head of the German anti-submarine warfare effort was hanged after world war two for doing the exact same thing to us in the Atlantic that we were doing to Japanese in the Pacific. The only difference was he had been on the losing side.


Because Mr Bush, using his extensive Intelligence ( Ha FCUKING HA ) with ( surprising ) 4thought unsigned the
Geneva Convention.
Or GITMO, as the Yanks refer 2 it would have been shut down long ago!
Never signed up 2 the Human Rights Act & DO NOT recognise the Court of Brussels over their own & will not accept any recommendations they make.

When the UN tried 2 say that the Invasion of Iraq was illegal because there were no WMD, the UN was told 2 leave the US.
Shut down & told 2 shut up.
Apparently they embarrassed Colin Powel & the US was Outraged.
How dare some1 say NO 2 America?

Well they said No & nothing came of it!
They're still recovering from an out & out attack on any person working 4 the UN.
They accused Kofi Annan son of embezzling Oil funds!

That's a pitched battle in the Media 4 any1 daring 2 say NO!
Since then nobody has the Bottle.


They both did not understand economics or what makes an monetary equipment boost. George W Bush and Greenspan inspired their way from a 2000s recession to a real belongings bubble and ensuing financial disaster. For that i'd say W Bush is worse.


Maybe because he has not done any war crimes and has not done anything wrong.

Congress ( both parties) approved going to war,
And next the US is not and should not be liable to any internation court since they would not honor or accept our bill of rights and constitution.


Well he can stay in power the same way Clinton stayed in power after directly telling the CIA not to kill Bin Laden...3 TIMES!!! We all see how that ended up... And I don't think he'll ever be impeached, unlike a few others before him

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