Why has the US turned evil?

Rico Toasterman JPA2006-07-09T10:59:56Z

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Because we are willing to trade freedom for security while fooling ourselves that we can have both:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


We have not turned evil, the liberal media is so hate full towards the Bush administration, mostly because the Democrats did not get back their power last election, so they show everything they can that is negative about the war, they never show or tell stories about the good things that have happened in Iraq, they spew vile and hate full things all day, every day so what do you expect the world to think, Their were many things that happened in WW2, but the news media had morals back then and they loved their country and were much more Conservative, they did not want to under mind the war effort. Now they will sell out their country at the drop of a hat, like the New York Times just did, by telling government secrets, and not caring if it hurts the American people and the country, they could care less if they help the enemy, as long as it hurts the Bush administration.


Most governments all over the globe are evil to some degree. The only thing evil about the US is it's own government and the fear it has instilled in it's own people, so much so that most of the world still cannot believe that Bust was actually re-elected to a second term when all the people knew that he really shouldn't have been elected the first time. The current Bush administration is truly an evil government (so is al quida, the Taliban, the North Korean government etc...). Everyone must see past the "Scare-ism" so they cannot maintain this "evil" government and so the American people don't make the same mistake twice.


I don't get this perception of evil either...Are we evil b/c we feed the majority of the planet? (no...just stupid). If this is about the "evil" Bush administration, then it is so old and annoying. I do not support either party, but this **** is getting out of hand. This will go down as the crybaby generation for sure. Did you eat today? Do you sleep on a dirt floor? Do you wash your clothes where cows piss? Or do you live in America?
Ask an American Indian (if you can find one) why America has "turned" evil. The question should be "Why has America turned so soft?".
We are no more evil than any dominant society in the history of the world.

brian f2006-07-09T11:16:00Z

There is no liberal, conservative, left-wing, right-wing most of the politicians are working together. You must look at the big picture not just money, oil, drugs. The richest, most powerful people in the world also happen to run the government as well. Look at the rest of the world that lives in war and death all the time. Most of Americans take their freedom for granted. But the American people are so divided by such petty issues. The rich and powerful are united working against the the lower and middle classes. Meanwhile our media feeds everyone lies or half truths. Television is a tool they use to implant a false reality. This Regime wants to control the world. First Hash, and Heroine in Afganistan. Now oil in Iraq.Next, oil in Iran, Kazakistan etc. We attack a country for no valid reason kill there people and take there goods. Then, we setup a government headed by one of Bush's buddies. The goal is world domination.

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