Can this proof that God loves you be challenged?

If God didn't love you, He wouldn't give you an incentive to get to Heaven - instead, He would just let you go your own foolish way. But because God really loves you, He created Hell where He will torture without mercy for all eternity anyone who doesn't believe in Him. OK, so any human who acted like this would be branded a sadisitic psychotic monster and even if man was made in the image of God but we can't say that God is a sadistic psychotic monster because then we will go to Hell where we would be tortured without mercy for all eternity by the loving God. So it is clear that God loves you so much He is prepared to torture you without mercy for all eternity if you don't love Him back. Now what could be better proof that God loves you than that?

bonzo the tap dancing chimp2006-07-10T09:20:56Z

Favorite Answer

Wonderful! I can't believe anyone actually took this withering satire seriously. You would have thought the 'sadistic psychotic monster' bit was just a hint of a clue. LOL


The fact that god's a moral dictator on par with stalin does not make him a loving god, more a "father knows best" figure, in that if you're not good enough to uphold it's moral ideology you get thrown into a pit and tortured for all eternity. There's something about that that doesn't quite scream LOVE to m-

Wait, this smells like... *sniff* *sniff* ...dare I say it?

Ash Nickel2006-07-09T11:35:04Z

We wouldn't exist if God hadn't created us. And there are thousands of people walking around that r living proof of god's love. Since they had almost died but with some miracle they survived. That is all the proof u need that God is protecting u and loves u for all eternity. Since we r all God's children.


You seem to seriously twisted! God isn't going to torture anyone in Hell for an eternity. The Lake of Fire and Brimstone is the Final
destination for those who, are not of the body of Christ. God
created us to be with him, not to torture us in hell if we refuse to love him.


Your logic is limited by your assumptions.
You assume that you will "burn" if you defy this mental construct of yours that you label as god.
Therefore, you dare not let your mind venture into a place where you are allowed to think freely, and wind up limited by notions of punishment and reward.
Tis a narrow track your mind follows, friend. Very self-sustaining and to you, bulletproof because you cannot imagine anything else...
Proof of gods' existence because if you don't believe, you'll perish? Sounds like you're begging the question...
Gaping plot hole...

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