What do you think of Micheal Moore lying to dead Solider?

The Soldier, who was shown as recruiter in poor neighborhood in Micheal Moore's movie, was killed this week. He was told that it was a documentary on Soliders. He was not told it was propaganda against the Military & Commander In Chief. He was so embarassed to be in film , he called & requested his parents & wife never see film. Out of respect for him, they never have seen it. He died in a roadside bombing in Iraq. His father said he lived his life to serve the USA Military & he died the way he would have chosen - serving the USA.


Who care - get a life! I have been called a lot of things but lacking fortitude & courage has never been one of them. We are anonymous to protect ourselves from people like you. You can be assured that I will write that coward again & I made my statement. I asked everyone I knew to not give him money by seeing this so called movie. It was all about money & attention. You know nothing about me & my strong convictions.


You did not have to see it, every liberal TV station showed parts of it. Put them all together & I saw 40 minutes more than I wanted to see. Offense was taken by the soliders who saw it. I have more audacity than that, military haters should all be in the next building that did "not" blow up
on 9-11. You know conspiracy theory - no reason to fight back. I was born at night but not last night.


Smelly - reread comment - LOL means laugh out loud. I was making fun of the fact them Mom wants my son home & son would never leave duty willingly. I was not even trying to threaten anyone, just expressing a mother's concern. I have no family money - my husband & I earned every dollare we have. I am sorry I offended you, my friends would tell you that I do not have a mean bone in my body. It keep my up half the night to think I had offended you esp. a Veteran.


Sorry for spelling in last comment - upset that I offended anyone.


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That man only cared about making his movie of misinformation he cares only for himself. That is very sad very heartbreaking to hear about the loss of another valuable being . I am so sorry for this brave mans family I will pray for them and that michel moore too. The movie he made was lies only lies and only fools believe him and I saw the "movie" he was on a budget making that blip, a small one.
to who cares, find him and I will tell him happily please give me his number
sammysamich~you should please take your own advice but don't join the army they need a few GOOD men you don't qualify for that.


Ok here is the thing. Everyone that has to do with politics or the media lies. This does include our own president. The whole point of that movie was to show that recruiters and the US Military target the poor that have no other choice but to join. It is Not right. How anyone does not see that it is wrong is beyond me. Just like it is wrong that only one of our congressman has a child fighting in the war. I think we should start targeting the Rich. But of course their educations are paid for. They don't need the military to get them through school. Actually I just wish there wasn't any targeting or anyone. People should be able to join without being persuaded or pushed. Anyhow back to the question at had. I seem to have gotten sidetracked. Yes I think that his lie is wrong. However I think the point he made in some of his movie was right on and I thank him for it. Also, I am very sorry for the soldier's death. Any time there is a casualty of war it is a sad day whether american casualty or not.


When the counter film called FarenHype 9/11 was made a Wounded Soldier who was placed in Farenheit 9/11 against his will decided to appear on FarenHype 9/11 to set the record straight and let people know he did not support Michael Moore and he did not need anyone to speak for him cause he can speak for himself.

The Soldier also said he was being well taken care of inspite of the wounds he suffered.

The FarenHype 9/11 counter film also had interviews with relatives of Soldiers killed in War, one of them expressed that their Family member died for what they believed in.

Others expressed about how their Family members were willing to die if they must (inspite od Hope that they wouldn't).


Are you surprised? Michael Moore only cares about pushing his uninformed spin on the uninformed masses of Americans. Although he is entitled to his opinion, he shouldn't lie to people to get them to help spread more lies. I hope the soldier's parents understand that not all Americans disrespect their son's service to his country.

This is for Who cares: Why do you need someone to tell you what you should think? It is people like you that feed on Michael Moore's stupidity, and in turn perpetuate your own.

I have seen this movie, and I also saw a lot of the moments in it when they actually happened. Moore took those scenes out of context and made a montage of bull sh*t. Anyone who saw this film and believes he didn't, really needs to assess their willingness to believe in anything. The guy has no problem taking facts and construing them to meet his own political agenda.


Hey dont listen to these hippie liberals. moore is a fat idiot (See "Team America", very liberal movie, but makes fun of that fatas* , freakin hilarious). I'm not exactly poor (not rich either) and I plan on going to West Point and joining the Rangers. I have never seen the targeting of the poor. If someone said they'd pay for you to go to college, anyone would take it. It's a win-win situation: serve your country, go to college for free

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