I have an ethical question about using the Shettles method to try to conceive a girl. What do you think?

My boyfriend and I are thinking of trying to get pregnant next year. Ideally he’d like a boy and I’d like to have a girl, although I know he’d adore his daughter every bit as much as I’d adore my son. I know he’s probably never heard of the Shettles method and likely has no idea that there may be ways to tilt the odds in favor of one gender or another. I know it’s nowhere near a surefire thing and, as a matter of fact, if I had access to a surefire method like sorting sperm by X and Y chromosomes and discarding all the Y’s I probably *wouldn’t* do it because it’s a little too much like playing God for my taste. Manipulating the timing and position doesn’t strike me the same way. So, since I do know about it and he doesn’t, would it be wrong for me to take advantage of that knowledge and try to conceive a girl using this method?

Answer Girl2006-07-10T15:38:07Z

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My first response is that you should discuss it with him, or just forget about it. I think in the long run, if the method works and you end up with a girl you will end up feeling guilty for not discussing it with him. If you end up with a boy, you may feel disappointed that it didn't work. That's a tough question, but I think in the end, the best thing to do is be as open and honest with him as possible. Good luck!

Angela R2006-07-10T17:54:06Z

No I don't think it is is wrong at all as long as you both are in agreement about having a child the Shettles method is not 100% so I would not worry about it. In fact I am currently trying for a girl as well. My husband agreed a few months ago to try for a girl and for three months I have not be able to conceive he decided we will stop that method and try for what ever we get. Little does he know I am still doing the Shettles method. It may take a little longer to conceive using the girl method but I think it is worth the wait!


Giving birth to a new life is indeed a blessing which almost every woman would wish to have. How to get pregnant naturally https://tr.im/JOLLY
Enjoying the feeling of motherhood and raising a family would surely be a couple’s dream. Some get it naturally, while for some others things don’t seem to work as they desire. These reasons which stop a women from conceiving can be due to either physical reasons or truly physiological.

Darcy T2006-07-10T15:43:03Z

I think the most important thing is working on having a healthy baby. I'm sure you would agree. I know lots of people who have said the shettles method worked for them. But for one I am split about it's abilty to work. I think you should tell your b/f about it. God has already decided in advance what gender you will have and there is nothing you can do about that. Just have fun in the process and know that you will love whatever it is you have!


It's funny you asked this question, I thought about this method as well for myself. I think I would put myself in your partner's shoes. And think about how you would feel if he has this information and you didn't. Would you feel good about that? Or would you feel like he betrayed you?

I think I'd concentrate on having a healthy baby. This method is not fool proof nor is it 100%.

Be happy with what you are given:) That's what it's all about!

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