Are you ready for WWIII, it has begun, yet no-one seems to be too worried.?

Are you ready for the fight for survival, in a nuclear age. Russia, China and Japan now threaten North Korea, who are testing their NUKES, Isreal is at war with both Palistine and Lebenon, Iraq while in a civil war, is at war with the USA, while Canada, the British wonder about the hill of Afganistan. Not to mention that Africa has been in turmiol since the last World War. Does Any Human Really Care that the world they destroy is the world of their children?


I've asked a simple question. I've not asked about the USA, stupidity, or opinions regarding other answers feelings. The question is, and I quote " Does any human care that the world they destroy is the world of their children?"
But it seem to me, with such self-centered adults, children of tomorrow have much to worry about. Humans today are to dull of wit to understand what they do. I am ashamed to be a member of such an ugly and destructive, crass and tactless, group of apelike, braindead, HOMOSTUPENDUS, loots as those that inhabit this planet. Any of you that don't realize what we are doing to ourselves is foolish, and will ensure the destruction of MAN, should best be found under the ROCKS their brains are buried under.


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I live in Alaska and several of my friends are staunch survivalists. My neighbor used to always harass me about building a shelter and preparing for what we both agree is obviously on the immediate horizon. Last time he did it I looked him straight in the eye and told him "Jim, I have already made my plan, when things get crazy I am gonna come to your shelter and survive there." He asked me if I thought I would be welcome, I just told him I never planned on sharing...


I know!!! I've been saying this for a long time... meanwhile the US is actually downsizing the Air Force! The higher ups argue they can buy more planes if they don't have to pay so many people. My thought is that we're fighting multiple wars on multiple fronts... we're already streatched WAY too thin. We're vulnerable and it's only a matter of time before someone does something to us to make 9/11 look like a small pat, compared to the wake-up call it should have been.

I'm only 25, but maybe that makes me care about the world a bit more, because theoretically I'll be around longer to appreciate it. Between the unnamed WWIII and all the senseless and easily preventable crap being done to the environment, we'll be lucky to survive... I wish people weren't so naive and greedy.

Artistic Prof.2006-07-13T08:25:45Z

First of all let me set some things straight.
1. North Korea has been watched for some time. Like for the last 50 years.
2. The war in the middle east has been going on for over 2,000 years.
3. For those of you that complain about the downsizing of the troops, get and and vote for a better military. Then things like 9/11 would not happen. Instead every time people complain about the military they find ways to cut us. And that is why 9/11 happened, cause the people in America wanted us to spend less and do more.


People need to look back in the 50 years of World History to see these current events are nothing near World War 3. Here is something that was closer:
When the US was in the Vietnam War Israel fought the 6 day War in 1967 plus the Yom Kippur war in 1973 which were major wars which Israel defeated Egypt and Syria twice with American funding and weapon imports. People then thought the Soviet's would intervene but they didn't


Don't be such a worry wart falcon, what is happening today is no different than what has happened many time in the recent past.

You see how the cowardly liberals react when someone like Isreal stands up for itself, geez you should be standing up cheering that there are still people in this world that have guts enough to stand up and not take any crap.

go ahead grab your copy of the LA Times and read about all the doom and gloom then go put your head in the sand.

if we are doomed as a nation it is because the liberals are running around telling everyone we are weak and there is no chance for us. sounds like a French surrender.

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