My bf has been sick the past few days and still wanted sex!?
i mean SICK he couldn't stay out of the bathroom more than 20 minutes (and all that this implies, sorry to be gross) but still wanted to whine about not having sex. is there something wrong with this or is it just me? i'm not young and have been married a couple of times before and he seems obsessed with it to me, he honestly has himself convinced he can't sleep unless he has sex and no amount of sex is ever enough for him, no matter how much he gets he wants more....this is abnormal in my experience, but what do you think? don't even guys get to a point where they have enough?
give it to him did NOT happen, thats disgusting and i find myself not really wanting to anymore because its like being chased around by one of those annoying little dogs that wants to hump your leg 24/7, doesn't exactly inspire sexual feelings.
the point is he doesn't leave me alone no matter how much i give it to him. it is NEVER enough so why bother doing it? what i really want to know is if this is normal.