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My bf has been sick the past few days and still wanted sex!?

i mean SICK he couldn't stay out of the bathroom more than 20 minutes (and all that this implies, sorry to be gross) but still wanted to whine about not having sex. is there something wrong with this or is it just me? i'm not young and have been married a couple of times before and he seems obsessed with it to me, he honestly has himself convinced he can't sleep unless he has sex and no amount of sex is ever enough for him, no matter how much he gets he wants more....this is abnormal in my experience, but what do you think? don't even guys get to a point where they have enough?


give it to him did NOT happen, thats disgusting and i find myself not really wanting to anymore because its like being chased around by one of those annoying little dogs that wants to hump your leg 24/7, doesn't exactly inspire sexual feelings.

Update 2:

the point is he doesn't leave me alone no matter how much i give it to him. it is NEVER enough so why bother doing it? what i really want to know is if this is normal.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As amusing as I did find this, I still must apologize to laugh at your pain! (but you do tell it in the most delightful way!! LOL!) Oh dear, dear, this is not normal. You are correct in your thinking. As oversexed as I may have thought men to be, yours takes the cake! heheh! geez louise! I'd hate to think of how he is when he's feeling good! yikes! poor girl, do you get any sleep around him?? *giggle* Are you sure he's not popping Viagara??

  • 1 decade ago

    If it's really honestly as bad as you say, he could be a sex addict. It is a real disorder that affects a lot of people. Somehow, they become dependent on sexual activity in order to function. I would talk to a therapist together. Here's a link with more info:

  • 1 decade ago

    I thinks he is a sexaholic. That is a disorder. I don't know the correct name, but he might need to see a doctor, for psychiatric help. Because he has a problem. When I am sick that is far from my mind and hopefully when you get sick he doesn't want to do it with you but if he does you know he has a real problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have done it sick before. I think more than once a day is unreasonable. Once a day is a very strong sex drive however not sick or unrational.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Oh girl, I know what you mean, my husband is the same way. He thinks its some kind of medicine or something. Just wanted to let you know your not alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    get him to the hosptial and find out what is wrong and if can't fix it then shoot him. smiling...

    But thank god you just BF and GF and that good thing you can either leave him or stay with him.

  • kitcat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Is this guy worth it? You didn't once mention that you enjoy sex with him or that you love him. Seems like he is getting on your nerves, maybe it's time to move on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel for man is always chasing me for sex too....ridiculous.....he needs it like 3 times a day-at least! I am not kidding.......and we aren't little kids either....I am 33, he is 43.................geez.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give him some so he'll leave you alone

  • 1 decade ago

    just give him some, maybe you have a nice rack and he likes that.

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