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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 5 days ago

Why do people get married. What are the right reasons?

Is it wrong to get married to show someone you love them and than you have no intention of leaving them? You and me forever through every sh itstorm that life throws at us without wavering.

Updated 5 days ago:

I do know. Sorry that hurts you so much

8 Answers

  • 19 hours ago

    People marry because it’s one of the greatest gifts that God ever gave them. Every person has different reasons to get married like emotional attachment, legal status, financial security or religious beliefs. Love is not the only one but may be the biggest reason why people marry. We can add a number of reasons like ; in love with one another and desire to share their life together, to fulfill their needs and dreams or build their family tree. Being married can make you a better human being. You also share and grow your friends circle. You have someone to share the load. Together it is easier to work on problems. Getting married reduces mental health problems.

  • 5 days ago

    For me with my husband? It was the fact that for 5 years of dating, and occasionally living together, neither of us were remotely interested in anyone else. We were both adults. We were attractive, sought after, self sufficient, capable, self supporting. Very independent. We'd both dated rather extensively in our lives. And from our first date, our first kiss.... and the roller coaster we shared for our first 5 years together... there just was no doubt that there was no one else for either of us because we were simply all about each other. My husband decided to relocate to be near his ill parents and gave me the ultimatum of coming with him as his wife... or maybe never seeing him again. Say WHAT? So of course I married him. 

  • T J
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Thats a disney fairy tale.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 days ago

    Well I dislike the terms RIGHT and Wrong in a relationship because it's a lot more complicated than that since for starters marriage does not really show whether or not you love a person nor does it guarantee that they wont leave you in the future no amount of displays will except one and that is by BEING THERE the rest will kind of fall into place all by itself one way or the other as you cannot know what the future holds today because you have not lived it yet and taking care of LIFE TOGETHER takes practice and patience with yourself and your partner...


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  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 days ago

    People should get married for love. 

  • 5 days ago

    for some of them it might be love(essential), for others - I guess - other reasons prevail - tradition, society, material background - formal motivation

  • i + i
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Ones "intentions" are not enough. 

    One has to know with absolute 

    certainty, with a clear head and 

    no delusions, that one is willing 

    to be with that person no matter 

    what for the rest of their lives. 


    Weird if you think anything I said 

    indicated I was hurt in any way. 

    Did you take what I said personally 

    because I used the word "You"? 

    Okay, I fixed it... hope that helps.

  • 5 days ago

    Those reasons you stated are common parts of it... but also there are other legal gains.

    Basically two people not blood-related to each other become recognized as legally related to each other, by the government... so when it comes to loan approvals and whatnot their combined incomes are considered although - I do know a workmate not married to a guy - but they both got a loan for a house based on their combined incomes.

    Still marriage is about being recognized, legally (by the government) and otherwise as related to a person you are not blood related to and that's after the vows are said/made.

    That's kinda why divorces are so stigmatic - you go through the motions of "forever" and then it's like 'Eh... I change my mind.'

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