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What do I do when I think my husband is going to leave me?

Hi, I'm looking for the experiences of others, maybe as advice?  I have been going through cancer treatment, and am now taking hormone blockers.  I really don't have any sexual feelings for my husband, and he says he knew that would be the case.  I have read a lot lately about the number of husbands who leave their wife during the cancer diagnosis.  We're in our late 40's.  I can see something in his eyes that is different, and he won't talk about it.  It scares me.

13 Answers

  • 3 hours ago

    Can you do a little something for him sometimes? You don't need to have sexual feelings towards your husband to spend a little time pleasuring him a couple of times a week. For now, it's like making a sandwich or brushing your teeth. Things you simply do whether going through cancer treatments or not. Is it possible? Just to let him know you care for him? 

  • 20 hours ago

    Seek counseling.  You are worrying about something that may never occur, and worse, convicting your husband of a crime he hasn't committed.

  • 22 hours ago

    This shouldn't be an either or situation.  You expect your husband to support you and cherish you but you aren't looking at things through his eyes.  He can't talk about it because you and everyone else thinks that his thoughts are unworthy.  So he is suffering.  He may leave because HE is suffering.  I suggest that even with your cancer treatment if you ever loved your husband you would still be trying to find ways to help him also.  Just as he should be trying to help you in this difficult time.  Life is a two way street.

  • Trish
    Lv 5
    23 hours ago

    I don't know what else if he isn't going to talk to you.

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  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Just maybe you have too much time on your hands and are overthinking the situation.  Please quit reading horror stories about someone else's life.  Just let it go for a while and see how it pans out with your hubby.  Perhaps he is just worried.  Please dont assume the worst.. that makes for a terrible life.  

  • 1 day ago

    Hard for you. Him, too, no doubt. What do your doctors say about it? You do need to discuss it, I would think. What are your other feelings for each other? DO you love each other? Sex is just one way of expressing marital love; how about learning some massage techniques together. No doubt many others have similar experiences, have you considered couples therapy or counselling? I do hope that you can explore the possibilities together. 

    Good Luck!

  • 1 day ago

    If he won't talk to you about what you perceive to be a problem, no one here has magic words that will help you.  Speak to a marriage counsellor, alone if you have to.  My late husband went on dialysis.  I had to speak to a social worker before he was accepted.  Why?  Because of the number of spouses who walk away from a dialysis patient.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    It's pretty sad that his penis is more important than your struggle with cancer.  I wish you all the best and sending healing thoughts.  

  • y
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    It scares him, the unknown, what's going to happen and such. I know that some do leave in these situations, most however, do not, it is the exception that leave at these times, not the rule.  You need to put your faith in him, trust him, and get out of your own head. Try not to worry abut the what might happen, it's easier said then done.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Men believe that they have to be the protectors of their families. When they can't protect loved ones from harm, it leaves them feeling helpless, and that's a very uncomfortable feeling. Some people can't stand feeling that way all the time, and will do anything to get out of the situation. Others work through it. My suggestion is that you find ways to make him feel like he's really helping you. Tell him how you feel better when you spend time with him, or share a nice meal with him- how you think that's contributing to your recovery. 

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