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Husband said affair partner was "sexy" and they had a natural chemistry. Should I be threatened,  they had affair for 8 yrs?

I asked my husband if he had emotional connection with her. He said no. That he just enjoyed her company and that she very sexy but that his family is more important .  He said they had no intercourse or oral but did orgasm together and lie together with their top half naked.  He said sex is what he kept for me. He said she had the most amazing this means it's just a weird physical thing.  I just feel inadequate now and he can't get hard with me...what's yr opinion 

Updated 5 days ago:

Married 30yrs. He owns a huge business.  I take care of our disabled adult son.   He said she meant nothing more than a bit of fun. That she made him feel young again but family matters more. 

Updated 4 days ago:

He said they chatted alot and had alot in common with background and business interests and he knew her parents since he was young and they knew all the same ppl in this set.    He also gave her huge help business experience wise and helped her through death of sister.  But it's not love he said

6 Answers

  • 4 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd not put up with that BS. But he might be cluing you in that he doesn't actually get hard with regular intercourse with anyone. Even the woman he took as his lover. Bet he's disappointed in himself. Still, as a wife, I'd be done with the  BS of 8 years of that! He's capable of living a double life and keeping it a secret for years? Pfft. I'd not but up with it. 

  • 4 days ago

    An 8 year long affair and there was neither sex or an emotional connection? Sure and monkeys don't eat bananas either. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    IF this is a true story (?) , your husband is bull shitting you. Whatever he admitted to doing (and this may not be the entire truth), he was still having sex with someone else.  If he is willing to go outside his marriage for "a bit of fun", you need to decide if that's okay with you or not, and to let him know. Trust issues are now present, as well, and that can destroy a marriage. He needs to get his ducks in a row, and so do you. Good luck,

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 days ago

    Well, after eight years, and you're still together, you might as

    well stay together.

    I think he might have left you for her if she wanted that, but she didn't.

    I think she broke it off, possibly after finding someone else.  I think he

    was banging the hell out of her every chance he got.  She must have

    been younger and that is hard to resist.  Not impossible.  Just hard.

    If he gets a script for those little blue pills, he should come back to

    life.  Make him want to.  Be the woman he can't live without.


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  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    An affair that lasts 8 years isn't just about the sex, and it's indefensible.  File for divorce.  This is not forgivable. 

  • n2mama
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    No way do they have an affair for 8 years that doesn’t include actual sex or an emotional connection. No man keeps a woman around for that period of time unless he’s getting something out of the relationship. Usually that’s sex, but it could be the emotional fulfillment he’s missing in his primary relationship (in this case marriage to you). And of course he is going to tell you whatever he thinks he needs to in order to get you to agree to keep the family together. My guess is that you’ve been married long enough that a divorce would be very expensive for him, so he wants to avoid it and is willing to tell whatever lies he needs to in order to make that happen.

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