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  • Is anyone else having trouble with explorer errors here the last few days?

    I get them sometimes at other web sites, I have asked everyone I can think of why and nobody can answer me. I have never had any problems at YAnswers (or any other yahoo site) but the last two or three days I get an error everytime I open or submit an answer. Any help would be appreciated (hopefully I can get to your answers), I would hate to have to give up Yanswers :( By the way the error gives very little info...just a box pops up saying that explorer has caused an error and closes down.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Just for fun..The attractive factor what do you think?

    Do you think that less attractive people are likely to take better care of their relationships because they encounter less temptations and have less 'options' so they make what they have the best they can? Or could it be that you think more attractive people make better choices up front because they do have more options? Lets not have fits, I know looks aren't a good basis for a relationship but lets not pretend they don't matter. I also get the beauty is in the eye of the beholder thing but we all know there are some people that pretty much everyone finds attractive (thus playboy and playgirl success). How do you think it influences long term relationships and their success or failure? Do you remember that song that said if you want to be happy for the rest of your life never make a pretty woman your wife? Just wondering what you think.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Would you like to have the option to block certain users who repeatedly ask stupid or rude questions?

    So you just wouldn't have to see their crap on your list of questions? I think it would be a GREAT option!

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this theory?

    It's a theory we called being 'brownie happy' and here is how it started. I had a friend who was a boss at a plant, he had an employee who would work like a horse IF you gave him very clear instructions and simple things to do. He was not the brightest bulb in the box, if you know what I mean. However, one day his wife made him brownies and brought them to work for him and the man was so happy you would have thought he won the lottery. That got us to thinking that perhaps the fact that he isnt very smart actually makes him happier and more content in life. He is thrilled to sweep the floors in a mill, ride his bicycle to work, live in his tiny apartment with his wife who sometimes makes his year with brownies. Is he better off than 'smarter' people who always want more, always think about what else is out there? Think things in to the ground sometimes? Is brownie happy a better way of life?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What would you do if things weren't going according to the plan?

    Ok here is the situation, s/o was offered a job in a different state, the company would pay for housing and this job would last at least two years. When it came up you talked about it and decided that it is a great opportunity, with the company providing everything but food you could save soooo much money (the goal was a great down payment for your own house when it was over), you even sat down together and made a plan and a budget for saving, even bought books to help you do it. Driving back and forth on weekends is doable but NOT practical so you decide you will both reloacte, she gives up her place to live (no great loss, she didn't own the house or anything), her job (she didn't like it anyway) so it seemed that it all worked. But now you have been here for a year and a half and he hasn't stuck to the plan at all, he blows his entire paycheck every week on heaven only knows what.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Just for fun..are there any commercials that really get on your nerves? If so which ones?

    Mine are the ones for herpes medication where the people say NOW they are really trying not to spread the disease..what do you mean trying???

    And the viagra commercial where they say the guy is REALLY clever because he puts a tape in a vcr! Only a guy with a limp penis could think that was REALLY clever! LOL

    17 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think its screwy that Oprah gets rich in the USA then opens a school in Africa?

    After her own show clearly demonstrated how messed up schools in America are and after she used a school not far from her studio as an example of how bad education is here?? Yet where does she choose to help Africa! I understand she made the money and can do what she wants with AND that its none of my business, but then again if she didn't want people to have an opinion about it she shouldn't put it on national news.

    16 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • If divorce didn't exist, just wasn't an option what do you think would happen to the marriage rate?

    Do you think people would just live together and never get married? Or do you think there would be an increase in suspicious deaths of spouses? LOL.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • We have gasoline for the lawnmower, stored in a gas container, in the garage but?

    its been so hot lately and the whole downstairs smells like gasoline, why and what can we do about it?

    7 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • My sister has to attend a 302 hearing tomorrow morning about her bf.....?

    she has had a 'stalker' for several months, turned out to be him, i suspected that all along but it was some crazy stuff, even went so far as to stab himself claiming the stalker did it, threatened her kids, broke windshields, tampered with brake lines, i'll kill you all messages and several other 'suspects' being pulled in questioned and accused by police. My question should she handle it, how can she 'encourage' them to keep him longer, this guy obviously has serious issues and she is scared of what will happen when he gets out. He has been there since Saturday night, she found out he was the source of the messages and the police put him in. However, stalking is just a misdemeanor so even if they do bother to do the paperwork (which they probably won't in this town) it won't have anything much in the way of repercussions. any suggestion or information on these hearings would be greatly appreciated! t

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My sister has to attend a 302 hearing tomorrow morning about her bf.....?

    she has had a 'stalker' for several months, turned out to be him, i suspected that all along but it was some crazy stuff, even went so far as to stab himself claiming the stalker did it, threatened her kids, broke windshields, tampered with brake lines, i'll kill you all messages and several other 'suspects' being pulled in questioned and accused by police. My question should she handle it, how can she 'encourage' them to keep him longer, this guy obviously has serious issues and she is scared of what will happen when he gets out. He has been there since Saturday night, she found out he was the source of the messages and the police put him in. However, stalking is just a misdemeanor so even if they do bother to do the paperwork (which they probably won't in this town) it won't have anything much in the way of repercussions. any suggestion or information on these hearings would be greatly appreciated! thanks in advance for your help!

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • My bf has been sick the past few days and still wanted sex!?

    i mean SICK he couldn't stay out of the bathroom more than 20 minutes (and all that this implies, sorry to be gross) but still wanted to whine about not having sex. is there something wrong with this or is it just me? i'm not young and have been married a couple of times before and he seems obsessed with it to me, he honestly has himself convinced he can't sleep unless he has sex and no amount of sex is ever enough for him, no matter how much he gets he wants more....this is abnormal in my experience, but what do you think? don't even guys get to a point where they have enough?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do you think answers should designate a teen section for all these kids?

    So perhaps if you are answering in categories like marriage and divorce you aren't bombarded by 12 year olds saying i like this hot boy but i don't know if he likes me, and the other 3 questions they post 1000 times a day

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How long before vomiting and diarrhea become serious?

    when do you call the dr or go to the hospital? we are talking 38 yr old man, not a child.

    7 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • When you answer questions, do you say what you really think or..?

    tell people what they want to hear in order to get best answers and more points? just curious, i say what i think, i'm sure lots of people don't like my answers much.

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • My sister had a stalker problem, she has changed her cell number..?

    3 times and each time this person somehow gets her number? any idea how? they send her text messages, is there anyway to trace their origin when no info is sent to her phone? please help this is getting really scary for her and the local police are anything but tech savy (small town and all that).

    6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Just out of curiosity..if one partner wanted a tattoo and the other partner really hated them what do you do?

    a young guy that works with my bf just got his gf's name put in his lip! thats what made me think of it. its not like you can take it off or only wear it one day, and the person who hates them would have to look at it everyday, its not like a bad outfit that you can change.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • When did televisions shows stop being made with morals and lessons to them?

    All the old shows you see have some sort of point to them, something to be learned from them, that doesn't seem to happen now and i was wondering when and why it changed. and does it have anything to do with the way kids are these days? they spend so much time watching it, wouldn't it be good if there was something character building about it? no i'm not one of those tv sticklers i just saw an old show last night and wondered when it changed.

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Would you get involved in this situation......?

    i live 6 hours away from my sister (which is a bonus). she is a little whacky, not in a mental case kind of way but in a drama queen i'll never understand how she sees things the way she does way. recently she has a 'stalker', threatening text messages, knowing where she goes, who she is with, etc. at first i just blew it off because she is who she is but now my concern is that the wrong person is going to be accused and actually get in legal trouble over this. there have already been two guys pulled in for questioning and now they are focusing on a third. my personal suspicion is that the guilty party is her so called boyfriend, this guy has pulled some weird stuff like saying he had terminal brain cancer and two months to live (8 months ago, he's fine) when she tried to break up with him, then he had 10 million in life insurance and would leave it to her (he's a dj at a hole in the wall bar on weekends) and the list goes on but that is some pretty crazy stuff.

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What would you do if this happened...?

    my bf and i relocated for his job, the company provides housing and several guys live in the houses together (they are big houses) most of them go home on the weekends but we stay because we are here together. lately though one of the guys that lives in our house is getting on my last nerve, for a while there my bf was out way too much with the guys fishing or crabbing, finally i said if i'm going to sit here alone 24/7 i'm going home which woke him up and now he wants to stay home. this guy though doesn't want to 'let him go' he went as far as taking out a loan to buy a boat in order to keep my bf hanging out with HIM on weekends! he NEVER goes home anymore and just makes plans to hang out with my bf without asking, its getting really annoying and kind of sick really, he won't take his new boat out with any of the other guys on the job unless my guy goes. everyone says he's gay, i don't know whether he is or not, he was once married but hasn't even had a date in 9 year

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago