Why are conservatives so stupid? Why do the lie so much?


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Well, if they are lying then they must be pretty smart as they are not getting in trouble for it.


They are stupid because they have no real life experience.

My kid's started life on their own with a masters degree!

Little different from being born in poverty!

I seldom, if ever , see a Republican in a soup kitchen, or delivering presents on Christmas, or serving Thanksgiving dinner to the poor.

Their only interest is to make sure money flows up, and most doesn't go back down!!

briseis, this wasn't a question on abortion! If you don't want one fine. but that is where your rights end!

You want to give a fetus rights? Hell, even kids born and are a juvenile have no rights!!

Your ilk are the biggest complainers about people on "welfare", when most are kids, the elderly and the disabled! You guy's have been slashing the budget to help kids ever since anti-abortion Bush took office!


My question is how come most liberals can not defend with facts any of their views and always retort to name calling and yelling. The only people that I know who are Democrats who could defend their points of view are engineers. Most of the liberal arts us the because I said so as the reason. Also, how come liberals can call people Nazis, and Hitler but if a conservative said anything close to this it is an outrage? How come, the liberals that are suppose to be open minded the most closed minded people that I have ever met?


Conservatives don't lie as much as liberals do!!! At least our country is still intact (for now). But in two years, if our country is stupid enough to elect a liberal, we are doomed. Seriously. Our country will fall apart. The world is getting desperate and the superpower really needs to stay united, but with a liberal in office, we won't have a chance to save the world........


I'm a Liberal myself, but I think it's unfair to say that Conservatives are stupid on the whole.... Then again, with someone like Bush representing them, I understand what you're saying.

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