Why won't Mexican immigrants assimilate?

Are they perhaps being told not to. Come on La Raza tell it like it is.


I still have not heard from La Raza. Come on, answer the question.


So far, JD knows what I am talking about.


La Raza, please explain Aztlan


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You know, that is one helluva a good question. My impression is that, unlike other immigrants who come from much farther away, Mexicans are more likely to consider this a temporary home.

Which is fine except that especially in these times where Americans are under fire seemingly everywhere, being here but wanting to be there doesn't exactly make you very sympathetic in this country. What the hell were they thinking by waving Mexican flags at all those rallies?

Of course, Mexican immigrants aren't the only ones who can live in this country as if they never left home. Here in LA you can be Mexican, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and so on, read your own LA newspapers, watch your own television shows, hang out in your own clubs, attend your own churches, listen to your own radio programs and so on. Why bother assimilating when there's a Chinatown or Little Tokyo or Koreatown where you never have to speak anything but your own language and never have to pretend like you're anyway but in your homeland?


Sly says “why should they? When you take pride in your own culture, it shows you that you don't let anyone step on your cultures or race.” Like you are doing to America?

sandycruz “because we don't want to why would we?there's no reason to do it if we don't want we shouldn't be forced to what our culture isn't good enough?”
J J asks “why we won't assimilate? how this for a question...why should we?...And a bit of the truth here, “Assimilation is something demanded by Americans but when a group doesn't want to, they're feard, hated, or misundertood. It's not that we hate America, it's that we love our culture just as much.”
If it was so Great back home…Why the heck are you here? Follow everyone’s dream! Go Home!

elpibe says “.mexicans don't assimilate to "american culture" because they love their culture a lot more than they love the "american culture". “mexican immigrants aren't willing to give up their culture, their language, their food, and everything else about them!!!!! and in fact they shouldn't have to...... what makes america great is our freedoms..... which includes freedom of expression”. Two points, if you all so love “your culture” why do you continue to invade America? And about the “our freedoms” What freedoms! As Illegal Criminals you deserve NO rights! But are free to return to the country of your birth at any time, And Please Do!
Your “my people or my race!!”, “and unless you are brown..... you will never know!!”, “ la raza for mexican immigrants means just that our race” and “is just about brown people embracing their culture while sticking together”. I thought Mexico was a country not a race as you assert…Could you give us details of your genealogy since say 1519?
“spewing racists or xenophobic attitudes toward my people!” . From that post YOU are guilty on all counts! But I guess as so many are illegal, criminal, invader you get used to hearing that, Right!


why we won't assimilate? how this for a question...why should we? Can you tell me what american culture is??

There are lots of mexicans that I see assimilate and i think it's great thing. I myself find that I'm chin deep in both sides fo the border. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes: you're new to this great country and don't know anything or anyone other than who/where you were raised. So you try as hard as possible to maintain that aspect of your identity so that you never forget where you came from. You want your children to feel it, so that they know where they come from.

Assimilation is something demanded by Americans but when a group doesn't want to, they're feard, hated, or misundertood. It's not that we hate America, it's that we love our culture just as much. So trying to come to terms with two worlds vying for domination in one spirit is a daunting task. Two worlds, one race...it's tough.

Atzlan is the region of southwest USA and northern Mexico. It's where the Aztecs believed they came from and where many Chicanos now see as a symbolic home and movement (MEChA).

Then there's the age old argument that euopeans/americans took the land form the natives and why didin't americans assimilate...but I don't go into that. Ancient History that can't be undone. Rather, why not let us be, we live lke eeryone else (eat, sleep, pay bills, hold down jobs, etc.), isn't that enough?


why should they? When you take pride in your own culture, it shows you that you don't let anyone step on your cultures or race. The United States doesnt have a specific race, so what cultures or traditions really offer. Mexicans celebrate 4th of july, christmas, MLK, and other holydays .. But other than that, what do you consider the American tradition for Mexicans to blend in.
Take pride in your cultures or backrounds. I'm sure not all white ppl are from ireland or england or, germany. I'm sure theyd hate it if i called an english guy a german. So mexicans have the right to think, act, or speak however they want becaues they have the courage of doing so.

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