Is the Repukelican party planning to overthrow the US government?

Newt Gingrich says we are at the start of world war III. Is this the beginnings of an excuse for Bush to declare an emergency and refuse to leave office in two years?

I have seen Repukelicans misuse the idea of "emergencies"
They laugh and say an emergency is whatever they want it to be.

Anytime someone disagrees with them and won't do as they are told, it's an emergency.

Are the Repukes going to overthrow the Government in two years?


Favorite Answer

I think they have already too. He just vetoed stem cell research
because of His 'morality' - not mine. I'm not bushes religion,
I find all of his 'holy' laws disturbing & yet, he just keeps
getting away with everything.

He doesn't have a conscience, needs an education, should be
put to work with the middle class & definetly needs to
volunteer in a hospital for a day.

No, not the Ritz hospital, the poor community hospital.


Here's a flash for ya, World War III started over 20 years ago. The first attacks were spread out enough to not be connected by the idiots in the media. (the Marine barracks in Lebanon; the bombing of the jet over Lockerby, Scotland; the embassy bombings in Africa; nightclub bombings in Indonesia; attacks in Egypt; underground bombing at the World Trade Center; the attack on the USS Cole; and the four hijacked jets on 9/11). We are already at war, like it or not.

And to stoop to your level, the Democraps couldn't win an election in this country if all the Republicans stayed home!

Carl J2006-07-19T16:04:42Z

Entirely possible, unless we are willing to fight back. Always remember the founding fathers said that "every government needs to be overthrown every two hundred years." We need something else, something that takes ultimate power away from people like Bushie. Something like a parliment. Canada, nor England have problems like this, because the people can call for a vote of no confidence if they don't approve of what the PM is doing.
How long would Bushie last if the people could do that here? Any time, any day they chose to?


stop making up your stupid gay names thats just ridiculous. We're at the start of a possible WWIII because isreal thinks the palestinians are serious when they declare a cease fire and are now at a war. in two years there will be a lot of trrouble in the world and we will need a strong republican leader to get us through instead of a weak liberal that will try to negociate with terrorists. the whole thing about emergencies makes absolutely no sense and is just ridiculous. Get OFF of the internet and stop spreading this bullS because i'm sick of reading these stupid lies

All gods are useless2006-07-19T16:06:41Z

Republicans have used fear to control the population of the United States for the last several years. They've used Homeland Security as an excuse to create hundreds of new laws that erode our rights to privacy and personal freedoms, yet we have received no benefits from these new securities. It's all a false front. They don't really give a damn about our country - it's all about their personal wealth and gratification ... grabbing all the money and control they can get their hands on.
So sad ... but so true.

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