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Is the Repukelican party planning to overthrow the US government?

Newt Gingrich says we are at the start of world war III. Is this the beginnings of an excuse for Bush to declare an emergency and refuse to leave office in two years?

I have seen Repukelicans misuse the idea of "emergencies"

They laugh and say an emergency is whatever they want it to be.

Anytime someone disagrees with them and won't do as they are told, it's an emergency.

Are the Repukes going to overthrow the Government in two years?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think they have already too. He just vetoed stem cell research

    because of His 'morality' - not mine. I'm not bushes religion,

    I find all of his 'holy' laws disturbing & yet, he just keeps

    getting away with everything.

    He doesn't have a conscience, needs an education, should be

    put to work with the middle class & definetly needs to

    volunteer in a hospital for a day.

    No, not the Ritz hospital, the poor community hospital.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's a flash for ya, World War III started over 20 years ago. The first attacks were spread out enough to not be connected by the idiots in the media. (the Marine barracks in Lebanon; the bombing of the jet over Lockerby, Scotland; the embassy bombings in Africa; nightclub bombings in Indonesia; attacks in Egypt; underground bombing at the World Trade Center; the attack on the USS Cole; and the four hijacked jets on 9/11). We are already at war, like it or not.

    And to stoop to your level, the Democraps couldn't win an election in this country if all the Republicans stayed home!

  • 1 decade ago

    Entirely possible, unless we are willing to fight back. Always remember the founding fathers said that "every government needs to be overthrown every two hundred years." We need something else, something that takes ultimate power away from people like Bushie. Something like a parliment. Canada, nor England have problems like this, because the people can call for a vote of no confidence if they don't approve of what the PM is doing.

    How long would Bushie last if the people could do that here? Any time, any day they chose to?

  • 1 decade ago

    stop making up your stupid gay names thats just ridiculous. We're at the start of a possible WWIII because isreal thinks the palestinians are serious when they declare a cease fire and are now at a war. in two years there will be a lot of trrouble in the world and we will need a strong republican leader to get us through instead of a weak liberal that will try to negociate with terrorists. the whole thing about emergencies makes absolutely no sense and is just ridiculous. Get OFF of the internet and stop spreading this bullS because i'm sick of reading these stupid lies

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  • Republicans have used fear to control the population of the United States for the last several years. They've used Homeland Security as an excuse to create hundreds of new laws that erode our rights to privacy and personal freedoms, yet we have received no benefits from these new securities. It's all a false front. They don't really give a damn about our country - it's all about their personal wealth and gratification ... grabbing all the money and control they can get their hands on.

    So sad ... but so true.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where have you been, they did it by rigging the elections in 2000 and 2004. I think it is time to rise up this November and vote overwhelmingly to take back the government for the people. We need to send a message to the repuke's that we will not simply lie down and take it anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    OK. Lets start with the obvious. I realize your pun but its ignorant rather than funny. "Republican" party. Ok, now that I have that off my chest let me read your question......................................

    Alrighty. I am hoping that you are more educated than your question seems to be in order to understand my answer. First, Newt Gingrich isn't in "power" so to speak anymore. Second, President Bush and the 42 Presidents before him all agree on one central theme. It's called DEMOCRACY. We fought England for it over 200 years ago, and we are proud and very lucky to have it. No matter what your opinion is of Republicans or of the President, democracy is the common thread of this country. That will never disappear. Please try not to fall prey to stupid gossip according to whoever you are getting this rediculous information from. Form your own opinions. If you had already done that, you never would have had to ask the question.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YES! There agenda is to push forward towards a one world government! They- the repukes, continue to cause heavy distress on the people of this nation! They are doing everything possible to make it the hardest they can, for people to make a living. Property taxes, gas, utilities and food- ALL of it continues rising at alarming rates! They continue to give themselves raises, but consistently throw out the federal minimum wage increase! They continue to lavishly spend our tax money- and tell us that we won't have any Social Security Income in that time of need! Of course, that doesn't worry them- cause they've been fattening up their bank accounts for several years now.

    This nation is really being ravished by our politicians! Especially the REPS! Something is going to have to give! Our leaders are systematically destroying the American family and our nation! Everything that can help this nation and it's people- is either vetoed, or not even considered! President Bush just turned down "stem cell research" and has been the cause of so many other well thought out, intentional BAD decisions!

    The American people don't know how to rally together as ONE, as a nation, and oust these crooks from office that are plundering our homes and rights, while quietly fattening their banking accounts and making sure their own families have all they'll ever need at our expense!

    We, as a people- must UNITE! I mean, make this nation come to a halt- or freeze! Everyone- all classes, income levels and racial backgrounds (we're all Americans), make this nation come to a stand still by walking out of our jobs/activities and rallying and demonstarting in front of our local government/federal offices until our demands are met! Or rather, until justice prevails!

    That's the only way! But as I said- the American people, unlike their Colonial ancesters, don't know how to do this. They won't massively unite, or come together in the numbers needed to accomplish this, with the rightful power bestowed to us by our forefathers, and sadly therefore- we'll ALL go down the drain TOGETHER!

    The president and his hoodlums, are NOT doing what's in our best interest- but theirs! WE, the people, should vote on every major issue effecting this country and decide what laws will govern us! WE should be the deciding factors in steering this country in the direction it should go- not a crook and his henchmen!

    Why should we let scum decide what's right for us- when they know nothing of our personal being or needs? I tell you- the system is completely screwed! And we- you and I, are the ones getting screwed! As I said- property taxes, food, utilities- EVERYTHING is rising at alarming rates! It is starting to put people out of business and others out onto the streets!

    There has to be relief! Either it will come sometime soon peacefully, or some time down the road in a fashion so dramatically- that it will make the civil war look like childs play!

    Sometime soon- marshall law will be declared and the government will be going after your own weapons/firearms! People, don't let them disarm you- this government will only be isolating us more and more, and take our only means of self defense. They just want to protect themselves from us during the hardest times- caused by them- that lies just ahead!

    Pray- cause it's only the beginning!

  • 4 years ago

    Palin by no potential belonged the AIP. The AIP does not want to overthrow the US government. The AIP only believes that Alaska could be extra desirable off being an self sustaining united states of america from the USA. Judging from the suggestions-set of the mainstream media and various the comments on YA, they could be suitable. The mainstream media have needless to say shown that they have not any comprehend for the human beings of Alaska and function expressed the suggestions-set that being an area organizer in an area of Chicago is extra significant than being governor of Alaska. comments have been made similar to "there are purely caribou and polar bears in Alaska" and "being governor of Alaska is like being president of my intense college" on YA. human beings in Alaska have been guffawing that human beings interior the continental US could could desire to get out maps to be sure if Alaska replace into component to the US and the place it replace into and that maximum could think of it replace into next to Hawaii because it is many times depicted in an atlas. it isn't any ask your self that a number of them think of that they could desire to initiate their very own united states of america.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to agree with Musicman. WWIII was started years ago by the terrorists. Some of use figured that out on Sept. 11, 2001. Some of you never will.

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