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whats going on with immigration here in the uk?

i just saw another story about immigration and passports on bbc news, i had the tv on mute so i didn't hear what it was about...

i am of the opinion mass immigration is destroying this country, we have allowed far too many people in britain from outside the EU, and they should all go back home, this ISN'T their home!!

i am also on the right, but not far right, i am patriotic towards britain.

anyway, what was this latest immigration story about?

2 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    So you voted for Brexit because you didn't want "them" coming over here.  The economy is wrecked.  Brits living abroad, especially in Spain, are having a hard time.  We can't sell our fish and Kent has become a lorry park.  What's more "they" are still coming over here.  How I weep for you.  Perhaps if you and your Nazi mates combined your brain cells, you might come up with half a brain.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Bullshyt; it is harder than before for unskilled immigration.

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