Can Science develope a new super weapon?

Newt Gingrich says we are at the beginning of World War III.

Can science come up with a new super weapon to stop the Repukelican party from destroying the Earth?


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(To the answerer above, please answer when you have an answer, not a smartmouth comment.)

Anyways yes, new weapons are being concepted and invented everyday. Take the "rail gun" for example; the FCS (Future Combat System) division of the military is trying to get past using gunpowder as our only force to project bullets and such, which with gunpowder, the most powerful gun right now, which belongs to the Navy, can hit a target 6 miles away. The railgun, using electro magnetism instead of gun powder, will be able to shoot the rails (metal dart looking things) up to 250 miles away, and hit the target in just 6 minutes.

Also they're working on a "pain beam"'s an invisible laser shot by a cannon that is non-lethal but causes a burning sensation in its target, but leaves no skin damage (that they know of anyway) ... it's already got a working cannon but it's so big it has to be on the top of a building, they're working on smaller models to attatch to humvees and tanks.

They're developing tanks with Rocket defense technology, that when a rocket propelled grenade, or rocket is fired at the tank, it fires a small rocket automatically that shoots the other rocket thus keeping itself from being hit. This can still be overcame by the enemy, just a lot more planning involved, so it's good. (email or IM) .. that is if you want to learn more about the Future Combat System


I think that Arron pretty much answered this one, the only thing that I'll add is just a minor clarification. Because the user asked about super weapons, I feel that should add that the theoretical basis for more weapons is limitless. Particularly as regards our understanding of the atom, "nuclear" weapons could become much more powerful, smaller, cheaper, etc. Also, the advancement of nuclear power could lead to new technologies that cannot exist today due to energy restrictions. That is, if we had limitless energy, then it would be more practical to pursue such things as lasers and orbiting weapons bases, etc.
So, apart from advanced technologies, which Arron so well described, super weapons could very well be developed that dwarf our biggest current weapons.


Only if it can come up with a weapon to keep the Dimocrates from doing the same thing


The development of super and deadly weapon is very very feasible. For me, the most effective super weapon is biological weapon not nuclear. because it can spread very fast , it's highly contagious and difficult to stop the spreading, especially the airborne virus.


the new weapon is hate.

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