Please help....???

My four year old has been refusing to go to sleep at night. He gets scared and tells me that he sees sharks and whales. He is in day care and when I asked him why he's scared he said that some of the kids told him that sharks eat people and that sort of stuff...this has been going on for a few weeks and I tried everyway possible to calm him and comfort him but it has not worked...
Can you please tell me what to do?
Is it a good idea to let the parents of the kids know??
Or should I talk to his daycare staff?


Favorite Answer

first get some books on sharks and whales. Explain to him where sharks and whales live (deep in the ocean very far from the beach). Then get a move on them (preview it to make sure it is not scary). Then get a shark and a whale stuffed animal and play w/him w/them. then go to the zoo and let him see sharks and whales. (if in ca or Fl. go to sea world). Also, make sure him being scared is just not manipulation! good luck!


All kids are scared of something at some time in their lives. Mostly around this age because they are starting to find out that people can get hurt and can die. My little one won't sleep in the dark, so she has a special stuffed animal and a cool princess night light. Just find something that helps him sleep and yes, talk to the day care.


I would definately trust my "gut" and communicate with the daycare staff. To help ease the night terrors, try talking during dinner or in your free time together about sea life and the amazing aspects of the exotic animals of the ocean. Also, children tend to be verbally challenged when it comes to expression. Try having him draw you pictures. You can learn alot about your child thay way. Colors, actual pictures, and whether they press firmly with their crayon(etc) will give you better insight.


talk to the day care staff and let them know what's going on. you re going to have to continue reassuring your son to tell him everything is OK