Should I contact the hiring manager if I haven't heard back about a job?

I was supposed to hear on Friday. I had 3 interviews; HR, hiring manager and the manager's manager....


Favorite Answer

Yes, absolutely. You have been told that would hear back from on a certain day, and they have violated common business courtesy by not doing so. Contact him and remind him in a polite manner.
Good luck, hope you get the job.

B F2006-08-01T07:41:49Z

Always send a follow-up letter after an interview if you are interested in the position. I would call HR Monday or Tuesday since you were supposed to hear back on Friday.

Someone with a free answer2006-08-01T07:57:30Z

Yes, call them and check. It is great that you were able to find out when you were to be contacted, and it is perfectly acceptable to call and ask--politely--about the delay.

One thing that I think is very important: Never stop and wait for an employer to get back to you. Keep the job search going until you accept a job. In 2006, it is no longer considered rude for an employer to ignore the applicants who are rejected. Years ago, an honorable employer would never consider such behavior.

Even if you do not get this job, remember it is a numbers game, and the most qualified candidates must have several leads to ensure success.

Good luck!


If you don't hear by noon, call and speak with HR and tell them that you are inquiring about the open position. You would like to know if it has been filled. General rule is that employers don't call or notify you unless you are who they choose. Good Luck, I'm looking too. Not much out there in Illinois.


Yes when you contact them it shows that you want to work at thier place of employment. I went back to my current nite job 3 times and the 3rd time the manager was like I'm going to bring you one. Your showing me that you want to be hear. Never call them before they've stated they will contact you but if they don't make thier deadline you have a right to be like Hey man I'm trying to eat too, I'm playing there but your not wrong your just showing that you want a job there.

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