who was the first person to get over 25000 points and become level 7?

and why haven't yahoo updated the leader board to reflect that people exist in levels 6 and 7?

also, why haven't they made sections 8 & 9 to give people something new to aim for?


Favorite Answer

Richard is the first person to reach level 7. He is the first to cross 50000 points also. He is the first to get 2000 best answers also.
He has many first in his credit on Yahoo! Answers. His name must appear in Guiness Book of Wold Records for his such great contribution.


I always thought the first person to reach level 7 was Richard


None, they died from exhaustion before getting there... Upper levels are unnecessary, cause 7 is a great number :)


Who cares? Those peple's awswer consist of hi and provide no connection to the question.


When points are worth something then maybe someone will CARE. But as it stands, I can't imagine that anyone would.