Why have illegal immigration reformers allowed racists into their ranks?

I know very well that not everyone who wants to fix the illegal immigration problem is racist. But, I see a lot of racists who are taking advantage of this issue to spread their hate-filled messages.

Sadly, I don't see reformers speaking out against those who use their issue to promote their racist agenda. I simply want to know why. It certainly doesn't help your cause to have such people standing by your side.

I have seen people raise the "racist" word too easily, but I have seen blatant racism as well. Why not speak up and condemn it?


Actually, the only reform I want to make is to make citizenship easier.


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Check my responses. I am a pro-illegal and I am offended by the idiotic bigots who constantly diminish the argument by making racist comments. I sometimes even bother to make the point, though often I don't even bother to open the question because the person who wrote it is such an imbecile that they wouldn't see reason anyway. Some names I recognize and don't give the time of day.

I think, though, that the same question can be asked of the anti-legals as well. I see a lot of racist comments and questions from them as well. In fact, I'm sick to death of this forum and I'm about at the point where I'm not going to even check it any longer. Every now and then you see a legitimate question, but most of it is just a bunch of ranting lunatics.

Your question is legitimate and a good one to raise.


They haven't. You have linked them and choose this because you support the illegals and their cause. If your wanted to be fair, which you don't, you certainly would have attacked the racists on both sides. Sadly this is not the case and you are just illegal supporter spreading false propaganda.


Those of us who are not racist do condemn racism. On the other hand there is racism on both sides on this board, and ultimately most of us just refuse to encourage it by responding.


I actually respect those racist more than those that try to hide their racism. Legal good, illegal bad. Whatever dude let your true colors shine.

Proud Republican2006-08-07T12:26:56Z

I don't feel I am racist

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