Many think?

I have asked this question locally and gotten some very interesting answers, So i will ask it here to see what everyone's input is.....

Could Jesus Christ have been exactly like Cris Angel the Illusionist by developing his skills at an early age and fooling everyone into beliveing he was the perfect savior?
Perhaps he developed a form of magic?

Do YOU think it would have been possible?

michael s2006-08-08T23:54:49Z

Favorite Answer

No, Chris Angel is an extreme performer who concentrates on the shock and adulation he receives. Jesus was out to reform a theocracy. If Chris Angel altered his focus from a mundane approach, however, I believe he would be able to accomplish many of the miracles attributed to Jesus. I really think Jesus managed to perform true magic not just illusion. I also feel that if many illusionists would suspend disbelief, they too could achieve true magic, but their lack of faith in their own abilities cripples them.


You know, I have thought the exact same thing. Also, what if Jesus came back? We have so many impressive illusionists and religious charlatans that he might be considered a fraud. He would have to part the Mississippi live on CNN.

I agree with an answer above though. No magician will allow himself to be nailed to the cross.


Did Cris Angel bring people back from the dead? Did Cris Angel go through incredible torcher and death to prove a point? If anyone ever develops a way through magic to bring people back to life and cure diseases they really need to tell a doctor. Quite a few hospitals and nursing homes could use it.

The Chronicler2006-08-08T23:47:45Z

Though I personally don't believe that, I also don't believe in the impossible.
So, yes, it is possible.

Now, I wonder if it matters?

I mean, what is more important? The message or the messenger?

Just because he may or may not have been a manifestation, does that mean his lessons...
being good and kind, to care for the ill, have mercy, cast no stone...
... are all in question?

The Chronicler

Lupin IV2006-08-08T23:42:48Z

Baloney. Do you actually think that Criss Angel would die for what he believed? Jesus could have denied it at any time but never did.

And keep in mind that Criss stages his events. I don't think the Romans were working in collusion with Jesus.

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