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Why do many people think.....?

Many people seem to think, they speak for their god. Can you explain how or why you think you can speak on behalf of your god.


Maybe I should have been clearer. I know you want to spread the word of god. That isn't what I meant. Some of you think it's okay to speak as if you were speaking his words. For instance.. God said abortion is wrong.

35 Answers

  • Eds
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I would never want anyone to believe that I speak for my GOD. HE has spoken everything that HE is going to in the Scriptures of the BIBLE and I read, study, and pray daily. I do answer any questions about the BIBLE using scriptural references though. Have a great week.








    I was one of the Best Spellers in our school system and I was generally the one who always checked papers for spelling and grammatical errors at the high school where I taught (for 27 years).



    Source(s): --------- LOVE I F E . . .
  • When we Christians speak od God's ordained directives, written through men by the 1 true and living God, this is how we know what He says; from a correct interpretation of the original text and understanding the context in which it was originally delivered. For instance God DOES say killing innocent lives/babies is wrong and that homosexuality is an "abomination" (Lev 18:22). While I could espouse lots of other correctly interpretted biblical theology, it boils down to these 2 rules:

    We are to love God with everything you have.

    We are to love our neighbor (that is everyone) as we ourselves want to be loved/treated.

    All of the stands taken by Christians stem from these 2 rules. Note that 'fairness' is not mentioned.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, I do think that I am limited by what I think because many people do or do not think the same thing, and I don't think that I speak for God, only for myself. What's also true is that, in my life's experiences, I can't find anything more wonderful, important or powerful than love, and I still feel like I'm a beginner in finding out about it. That's not speaking for God; it's speaking about what I've found to be true so far in my life, but I'm more than willing to have faith that love, compassion, gratitude and other things that uplift the human spirit come from a divine source or sources. That's what works for me; best wishes finding those answers to that work for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hiya don! ive had to sit back and breathe that question, because it warrants more than a reflex instant answer,well done. If i had a banana in my hand and convinced a woman that it was a magic banana and could do everything from talking to creating the world and then have children with her and do the same to the kids, who in turn convince their friends that this by now well dead banana was indeed responsible for their existance and they go and the same and so on and so on, then, after 2000 years my dead and fooked old banana will have grown super powers beyond belief and by rights should be able by now to talk to people? which aint bad cz all i wanted to do way back then, was to get into that birds pants n i only had 1 prop for a chat up line "hello, this is my special banana" Amazing what 2000 years of advertising can do!...............I have to thank you donna, youve given me a great idea for a question ta!

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  • 1 decade ago

    (Do many people think?*)

    It flows from a confident belief, almost inevitably.

    If right to believe (in God as one understands him to be)

    Then the statements of God (as one understands them) can't be wrong

    and can confidently be put forth (as one understands them).

    But the caveats on understanding and interpretation just don't get picked up, or vocalised.

    The diversity of the beliefs and statements, however, mean that at the very least a good proportion must be wrong. Which ought to undermine the certainty with which they are made. This is, however, quite rare.

    "It is an odd thing, Mr Ireton, that every man that wages war believes that God is on his side. I'll warrant God must often wonder who is on his."

    Letter from Cromwell to Henry Ireton, his son-in-law.

    (*I decided against the Adlai Stevenson quote.

    The best president America never had?)

  • 1 decade ago

    When I speak of God I use quotation from Bibe or my interpretation of Words of Christ or God.

    I cannot Speak for God Almighty Just Quote God's Word

    I am not All Knowing.

    People who do err.


  • 1 decade ago

    Sadly, it's actually taught in churches. Jesus is the only person who can speak for God. Man can only speak for themselves. Most people who are speaking for God are speaking for themselves and not even using the right Biblical references to prove their point. Just blow it off as a personal opinion.

    Source(s): I am a Christian who only speaks for myself, because I don't have the audacity to believe that God needs me to make His point for Him.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only in some things, that are well defined, may those of The Church "speak" for God... That is defined in The Commission God has given to The Church....

    The Church( ALL of those of The True Christian Faith)

    All who come to God in The Way He has prescribed receive His free, and eternal, gift of Salvation. Those become a part of The Body of The Church of which Jesus The Christ is The Head. Those are the ones of The True Christian Faith. Only those of The Church will enter heaven

    Source(s): God's promise to me in the instant of my Salvation
  • Serena
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't. It would be the epitome of arrogance to assume that I can unerringly speak for my gods. I do have the right to speak about my religious tradition and the history of my culture. Those can be verified.

    Source(s): Celtic polytheist
  • 1 decade ago

    Because, my God wrote a book for me to follow, I know how my God works...I don't fully understand what you mean. Maybe you should give an example...I dont think it would be right to say, "My God told me to tell you, to give me your cookie!" Though he did have a profit in the bible, go to a poor womans home and ask for her bread. Then when she gave willingly God blessed her.

    I speak up for my God, in defence. Not that he needs it. But I do not like when people disrespect my God. I have seen to much...People will say, well your simply a christian because you were raised that way...Well if anyone knew my dad, they would have thought I would have turned away from everything he tought me to believe. My dad was the kind of dad who refused to come to my wedding, he called me awful names, he was verbally and physically abusive towards me...But my God, is the kind of God, who made my dad appologise, who made my dad a different person..

    My God is the type of God, who, when I was terrified at the age of 7 from seeing a strange mans face outside my window, sent an angel when I turned my head and I saw the angel, the man out the window went away, and the angel dissapeared but I knew the angel was still there because, I got up locked the door went up stairs and went to bed, my bed, not my sisters, all without turning on any lights....All this from being so terrified I couldn't move, and was crying and couldnt even shout out to my mom in dad.

    People may call it scitsofrinia but they are sadly mistaken. My fear left me, and was replaced with a feeling of peace and joy, instead of fear and dread...

    I don't know just what you mean about, speaking for my God...But I will always and forever, speak up, stand up and tell anyone else who needs to know, about my God.

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