For U.K. residents: Do you know of any Bruortons in your area?

The previous spelling of the surname was Brereton before the Civil War of 1611. The name changed as a result of two factions; one in support of the King and his government, the others rebelling under the same.

The last known locale for those carrying the surname of Bruorton was Middlesex, England, around the early 1800s. Any names, dates of birth, death, and spousal information is requested. Even occupations would be useful.


Favorite Answer

This link:
will show you a map of how any surname was distributed in Great Britain in 1998 and in 1881.

Spellings of all surnames change constantly because most people were illiterate until the late 1800s.

The surname probably comes from the village of Brereton [use any spelling you like!] in Cheshire.

In 1881 the name Brereton is still pretty specific to the counties of Cheshire and Staffordshire, and especially to Crewe.
Crewe was a major railway junction in the nineteenth century, and many railway workers migrated to and from there as a result.

This link may well interest you:

You could also try
where other people researching your name have uploaded their family trees - I just had a look, and it lists over 23,000 Breretons.

I hope that helps, and I hope you find some ancestors!


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go f*ck yourself british imperialist fag

