Dearest Yahoo Answer Jockey,?

Dearest Yahoo Answer Jockey,

I take pleasure in your attempt to master the art of answering questions. You've proven yourself to be a note worthy chap. The cynical love of answering with a time tested method that only a strapping man of your stature could accomplish. You should write a book called “Yahoo answers tips on how gain levels with a two worded answer”. You’re the only person I know who loves answering on a regular basis. You’ve mastered the routine of Two Worded Cynical Answers. After a HARD day of Answering you choose to unwind the YAHOO ANSWERS JOCKY WAY, it consists of Nibbling on Hot Pockets, Scratching your *** through your $5 K-mart sweats then wiping your greasy fingers on your XX Large Wife Beater Shirt Then You meticulously Run your water drenched fingers through your balding scalp as if you are cautiously seducing the man in the mirror. Adjusting your glasses you tap yourself on the shoulder knowing you unworthily made it to level 56. Tribute :)~


Favorite Answer

That was good you should send that to budweiser that could be the next song advertisement!!!!


I just started using Answers. I see the same thing and notice it is often a familiar answer, and familiar person.
Well put. But there will be some in every crowd especially if they are anonymous. Don't loose sleep over it.


*sniff* That was beautiful man. That just made me tear up....inside and out dude.


wow um, i dont know what to say... its ur birthday im guessing