Does the fact that they just made an arrest in Jon Benet Ramsey case make it even more heartbreaking?

Her mother just past away feeling that she was still under scrutiny for her own daughter's death...and yet now they've arrested someone else - a former teacher no less! What is your gut reaction to hearing this latest news?


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I don't think anything could make it more heartbreaking. I just hope it brings closure to the family, and that we don't have TOO many months of the media going back over every sordid detail just for ratings. Let the poor little thing RIP.


How tragic that Patsy Ramsey died of cervical cancer before she was able to hear the truth. All of the years of pain and stress she must have gone through with the media and the public sensationalizing the idea that she was responsible for her daughters death. What amazes me more is how bungled this investigation was. They even interviewed this guy several times and never made the connection. I am a man and this news just made me cry. Hopefully her and Jon Benet are together and be happy in the fact that this asshole finally found it within himself to confess.


Yes, I find the whole case to be very heartbreaking. The family has been under such scrutiny for years that I am sure that it pretty much ruined a lot of their lives. It is especially sad that the mother did not live to see the arrest..


They said on 2 news programs that Patsy Ramsey knew that they were looking at another person before she died this year. I'm sad that she won't be here to see the case solved. It's sad to see that that beautiful child, although very precocious, would be 16 years old this year.


I felt guilty for ever having suspected the mother. I never down-right blamed her or the dad for the girls death, but it was so suspicious. Yanno? Poor little Jon Benet, may she rest in peace with her mother.

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