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Anonymous asked in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · 2 days ago

Why is Fox News avoiding covering Matt Gaetz situation while claiming President Joe Biden is hiding massive tax increases on the poor?

It has been revealed that Fox News has only mentioned Matt Gaetz a total of eleven times since the situation was first revealed and instead has made The American Jobs Plan the focus of their broadcast which Fox News is continually claiming repeatedly that the bill has hidden massive tax increases on the poorest Americans.  

I didn't realize making $400k or over yearly was considered economically poor in America. a chick looking for some answers, if I made you upset then that's not my problem.

Updated 2 days ago:

Just a chick looking for some answers, if I made you upset then that's not my problem.

Updated 2 days ago:

Tucker Carlson did 'interview' Matt Gaetz that is one of the eleven times Fox News has mentioned Gaetz.  Carlson also went to court stating no reasonable individual takes what he or his guests say seriously. 

Updated 2 days ago:

Did I say Fox News never mentioned it.  No, I clearly stated they've only done so barely 11 times total.

Updated 2 days ago:

Covering an ongoing story is the point of journalism.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    If they can convince their braindead voters that Biden is actually targeting poor people like them, they can increase the hate and malcontent in their foaming-mouthed Chud Traitor voter base.

    It doesn't matter if it's true, these Traitors to everything our country stands for will believe ANY lie, whether it's from Russia, China, or amoral, rich, white wastes of DNA from our own cesspool of a country.

    The truly hilarious part is the secret child sex trafficking being on the right, and not the left. But of course the Chud Traitors just label it 'fayke newz' and move on. That's what they've been conditioned to do.

    Why didn't Q Chud warn you guys about Gaetz, righties? Where's the storm, CHUDS?

  • donnie
    Lv 7
    15 hours ago

    FOX news with the exception if some of the commentators are just as bad as other media outlets. Both sides of a war is funded by the same people. FOX covers stuff up yea they will talk about taxes however they won't talk about pedos, they won't talk about Hunter Biden, the stolen election, etc. Maybe run a story on it but that is as far as they go

  • 1 day ago

    Fox "News" lies.  That is all.

  • 1 day ago

    because yo momma this is a test 

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  • 2 days ago

    Hiding massive taxes on the middle class is quantifiable and factual while allegations against Matt Gaetz are allegations which can be refuted at this point.  It is not good to convict people in the media. 

  • 2 days ago

    What do you expect from Fox?  They are a very biased, conservative group who refuse to let their opinions be changed by the actual facts.

  • sam
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Not news. They lie

  • 2 days ago

    AntiPOTUS Biden's tax plan is one of the biggest increases in history. It will be catastrophic to the American economy resulting in massive job losses and a stock market crash. 

    The whole Gaetz situation is still extremely convoluted. There isn't much to report.

  • Mike L
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Not to mention how overcovered Cuomo has been and the call for him to resign. 

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Because it is fake news.

    If he actually is found guilty then yeah, they should cover it.

    But we've seen this too many times before from the dems to just take their word for it.

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