What do you think of this which I have written?

A person's heart is the most delicate thing in the world. Handle yours accordingly. Handle others' with extra care, for you know less about theirs than your own.

Since the dawn of our species, humankind has always had an instinctive fear of the night, in one way or another. Some ignore it or manage to deal with it, but it is always there, in the backs of our minds. We are inherently creatures of the day, although that trait can be traded for the embrace of the night. It is possible to have a healthy fear of something you love. In this case, it generates great respect. We Nightlovers respect and love the night, knowing deep down, that our lights, our cities, our cars and other technological protections, are not fully effective against the energy we seek to embrace. Nature demands respect, and while it may love us back, it will harm without hesitation. For the Night is an elemental entity, and bows to no mortals' whim.


Favorite Answer

Pretty good. You might want to develop this train of thought more, it's interesting and might be a good beginning of a book.


Hum not bad. But it forgettes one important thing.at the dawn of our species they knew true darkness didn't have artifical light just the natural light of the moon and stars.. many preadors have better night vision than we do so are predisertors stayed in a fairly safe place in a group for better safty. Thus the fear of the night and the things in it.
About the only time they ventured out at night was during the full moon time when the light was better.


I have a hard time thinking on this metaphysical level. I like the dark and tend to be more awake at night, nothing mysterious about that though, or even deep.

My honest feeling is yes people are scared of the dark, that's there are lightbulbs. If you like the dark you should choose the "off" option.

Samuella SilverSelene2006-08-18T17:43:41Z

Actually the HUMAN heart has ONE purpose, to pump blood to and from the heart. Thing more...it is a muscle and not a tool of love and emotions.
Daytime is over rated though.


Pretty intelligent thoughts combined with the ability to form them on a page, makes you a writer. Keep at it, you're good..........

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