Why are Democrats better looking than Republicans?
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Barbara Bush, Rush,
Rice,Newt, just to name a few.
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Barbara Bush, Rush,
Rice,Newt, just to name a few.
Favorite Answer
Republicans just naturally have a strained, kind of stressed out look on their faces. It's that corncob they all have up their butts that causes it. That and their obsessed hatred of Clinton.
Lawrence Louis
Well since Republicans derive a large part of their constituency from Middle America, with an emphasis on rural regions, where hillbillies and rednecks live, the answer should be obvious as to why the Republicans have a disproportionate number of unattractive people. These areas are known for rampant inbreeding, which doesn’t exactly make for a good-looking genetic stock. However, the inbreeding does provide one distinct advantage for the Republican Party. The diminished IQ of children spawned from inbred relationships leads to a collective stupidity in Middle America, and the south, that is easily susceptible to asinine Republican propaganda.
That's just your opinion, not a fact. the fact is that Democrats have there head up there A SS so get a visual, how good looking could they be.
Because they havent sold their soul to satan
Muwahaahaahaaa :)
(havent you ever noticed that a lot of the big time Republicans look much older, kinda zombie like and they have this look in their eyes....Frist, Delay, Rove, Cheney....all of them....its pure evil i tell you EVIL!)
they're not better looking. John Kerry is far from anything attractive & did not win the last election.