Why are Democrats better looking than Republicans?


Cheney, Rumsfeld, Barbara Bush, Rush,
Rice,Newt, just to name a few.


Favorite Answer

Republicans just naturally have a strained, kind of stressed out look on their faces. It's that corncob they all have up their butts that causes it. That and their obsessed hatred of Clinton.

Lawrence Louis2006-08-24T16:03:57Z

Well since Republicans derive a large part of their constituency from Middle America, with an emphasis on rural regions, where hillbillies and rednecks live, the answer should be obvious as to why the Republicans have a disproportionate number of unattractive people. These areas are known for rampant inbreeding, which doesn’t exactly make for a good-looking genetic stock. However, the inbreeding does provide one distinct advantage for the Republican Party. The diminished IQ of children spawned from inbred relationships leads to a collective stupidity in Middle America, and the south, that is easily susceptible to asinine Republican propaganda.


That's just your opinion, not a fact. the fact is that Democrats have there head up there A SS so get a visual, how good looking could they be.


Because they havent sold their soul to satan

Muwahaahaahaaa :)

(havent you ever noticed that a lot of the big time Republicans look much older, kinda zombie like and they have this look in their eyes....Frist, Delay, Rove, Cheney....all of them....its pure evil i tell you EVIL!)


they're not better looking. John Kerry is far from anything attractive & did not win the last election.

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