Probabillity of reincarnation. Please debate not berate. After your thoughts not your oughts.?

If you consider yourself above belief and logical. Answer these question in your mind and then you can either accept it. Or build an argument to continue your beliefs as before.

1. Do you believe you exist?

2. Did you exist before you were born or concieved?

3. Do you accept that there was a finite probabillity of you existing prior to your conception?

4. Do you think that you cease to exist after you die?

5. Is not existing prior to conception any different to not existing after death?

if you beleive you exist and you are consistently logical you have to conceed that the probabillity of existing again after dying is equal to the probabillity of you existing in the first place.
Therefore reincarnation has a possibillity. or argue your point.


Nice answer RscRngr but the question wasn't for you I think.


No trey3113 I am not even sure what my beliefs are.
I was trying to posit something in the vain of classic philosophy in the logical stream similiar to the mathematical model where some things are assumed to be true (axioms) and the model is then expected to continue to be consistent as long as the initial assumptions are correct and the progress logical. Starting with some thing assumed to be true (our existence) where does it lead? One path perhaps is that if we exist then there is a possibillity of existing again.
What we are or what does existence mean are all different discussions to the one I tried to start.


Favorite Answer

The material energy, a part of which is our body, is constantly in flux. Every moment the cells of our body are dying and being replaced so that every 7 years each and every cell has been replaced at least once. If we are the body, which body are we? By the time we're 50, we've had 7 completely different bodies, yet we know we're the same person despite all these changes. What is providing our constant identity? That is the spirit soul, the spiritual energy. If we are constantly changing our body in this life, what is the problem to accept that the unchanging, eternal soul can transmigrate into another body at death?

Yes, reincarnation or transmigration of the soul is not only probable, it's a fact we experience in this life right now.


BTW, I already think its possible, that's not to say probable.

1. Do you believe you exist? Yes

2. Did you exist before you were born or conceived? I cannot tell.

3. Do you accept that there was a finite probability of you existing prior to your conception? Yes.

4. Do you think that you cease to exist after you die? I cannot tell.

5. Is not existing prior to conception any different to not existing after death? I don't think so.

I don't think reincarnation is impossible. I don't believe it is probable either. Primary reason being, I cannot remember ever being anyone or anything other than the me that I know. If I were a totally different person in some other life, wouldn't I remember SOME of it. And how could the body swap occur so seamlessly between one person's death and another person's beginning of life?

I put two other possibilities ahead of reincarnation:
1) By the time you die, all your energy has returned to the planet, and in time that energy is recycled into something else - millions of blades of grass, a few small animals, maybe but probably not a person (maybe this fits in with your idea of reincarnation still and maybe it doesn't).

2) "Death" doesn't really noticeably occur at all. Instead, think of the world as you know it as one of infinite alternate realities all happening at the same time in which a slightly different turn of events is happening in each reality. When you "die" your consciousness just gets dumped into another reality where you instead didn't have whatever turn of events lead to your demise.

...Just a couple of random ideas from the top of my completely warped mind. I think the only way to find out what really happens is to die, and then there's no way to tell anyone back home about it!


Even logically, we can see that we had to have existed before.
We can understand where we got the body, but life ? The awareness ? It had to come from somewhere, and then it has to continue, being not body dependent except for manifestation, and physical tangible performance !
And if this is clear, then what was acquired can be taken away, and what was original has to remain. So we have to continue after losing the body. Re-incarnation is only a possibility , and situation dependent , like a seed germinating even in the crevice of a huge tree where, some bird would have dropped it, dust, rain provided the conditions, and the seed grows ! So the re-incarnation can be a late process also.


Here goes...
1. Yes, I do think I exist. I have to go with Descartes here: I think, therefore I am. If I'm thinking these thoughts, I have to somehow exist.

2. I do think I existed before I was before. Where does a soul come from? It can't possible be "made" like a life is when cells's somehow different. It's something we as man cannot mimick.

3. Yes, I do. There has to be a higher force that created our souls. There has to be a higher force because we cannot explain souls or life, and what happens after we die. But something had to create the IDEA of life and death- something that exists above us.

4. I think we still exist. How do you explain ghosts? And I do believe in them.

5. I think existing before life and after death are similar, because they are a state for souls to be in. I'm not sure if you take the experiences from a previous life with you when you die, so that your soul builds on itself using its experiences in life. Perhaps though... who knows?

My explanation for believing in reincarnation is that there are people I have met on this Earth that I have been drawn to, with an attraction that I cannot explain. It seems like there are souls out there who understand you better than anyone; people you seem to have known your whole life, even if you've just met them. I cannot explain this, but I don't think it's a "phenomena". I think this experience is actually us re-meeting souls from past lives, people we are automatically comfortable with, and seem to know.

Vile Maverick2006-08-25T05:58:09Z

1. I do exist.
2. I live, I exist.
3. I exist because that is my perception.
4. I exist because I live.
5. That depends.

Actually, let's correct our perception of existence. When we say "we exist", what actually exists? The components that made us, as in the elements, molecules and all that? Or just you and only you and no other, don't take it to chemical and biological matters. Let's not take it to organ donations and all that too.

In my opinion (which is correct, I'll tell you why), YOU are only YOU when you have a "soul", and when your soul dies, you don't live anymore. By dying it means complete death, no medical or biological miracles or whatsoever. Okay, so when you die, you don't exist even though your body may have been preserved or donated, it is the mind that matters, the soul. Done with the death thingy, so let's move on.

When you die, your soul dies and your body remains cold and dead, that means your brain is already dead and no one can revive the dead. You are the corpse and there is no way to deny it, you can't just say that your mother has died while it was the father's corpse. So when you are the corpse, you are there, lying in the coffin, decaying, there, YOU are six feet under. And when YOU have finished with your decaying, YOU cease to exist anymore, as simple as that.

Don't talk to me about bullcraps that souls don't die and they live on to create new life or go to heaven or hell. Human only dies when their souls die. And when souls die, they don't live on. So, where does reincarnation come from? Undead souls that live on? Pure bull *I just can't put more emphasis*.


Life=Existence Death=You don't exist anymore

Every other life don't belong to each other, it's YOUR life and when it's done. IT'S DONE. When a certain species extincts, they don't reincarnate to become other beings, they just DON'T EXIST anymore. Same goes to human. Enough crap on "I was Jesus' reincarnation".

Ever heard about a law, stating about fools and arguments? I've stapled my opinion here, that's it and I don't answer your question twice. I won't reincarnate, promise. =.=

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