If Republicans are so good with money, support marriage, and leave no child behind, why these facts?

Here's the states with the highest divorce rates:

41 Arizona Red
42 Florida Red
43 New Mexico Purple
44 Idaho Red
Alabama Red
46 Indiana Red
47 Wyoming Red
48 Tennessee Red
49 Oklahoma Red
50 Arkansas Red
51 Nevada Red

Which state has the lowest divorce rate? That liberal bastion of Massachusetts (where even the gays can marry!)

Here's the Ten "dumbest" states:

41 Tennessee (Red)
42 Hawaii (Blue)
43 Alabama (Red)
44 Alaska (Red)
45 Louisiana (Red)
46 California (Blue)
47 Nevada (Red)
48 New Mexico (Purple)
49 Mississippi (Red)
50 Arizona (Red)

Here are the Ten Poorest States:

1. Louisiana (Red)
2. Mississippi (Red)
3. Arkansas (Red)
4. West Virginia (Blue)
5. New Mexico (Red)
6. Utah (Red)
7. Idaho (Red)
8. South Carolina (Red)
9. Kentucky (Red)
10. Alabama (Red)



I would garner it's because they continuously vote for bad policies, but that's just my theory.


Here's a word from Economist, Ed Kilgore:

"Like some of today's third world countries, the South, right up to the 1970s, was paralyzed by the idea that decent wages, unionization, protection of natural resources, business regulation, progressive taxes, and quality education were all impossible because they would "price" the region out of opportunities for economic development. All of the South's social and economic weaknesses were perceived as essential to maintaining a "good business climate." And that benighted belief also helped perpetuate Jim Crow, since the ability to keep roughly a third of the region's population in semi-serfdom gave the South a cost advantage no other part of the country could ever meet."

Gradually, by the 1970s and 1980s, southern political leaders, and even many business leaders, woke up to the fact that deliberately maintaining a low standard of living wasn't worth the paltry payoff in low-wage textile jobs."


The rest from Kilgore:

"And slowly but surely, a consensus developed that decent education and adequate public services were positive, not negative, factors in long-term economic development. The states that pursued this "high road" strategy--especially North Carolina and Georgia--tended to prosper. The states that stayed on the low road--especially Mississippi and Alabama--didn't."

Kilgore is a Democrat, yes. And therefore aren't a thoroughly un-biased source. But hihis words make sense.

Why do so many companies choose Canada over the US now? Because the companies don't have to pay for healthcare. It's cheaper to pay the taxes than it is to be responsible for employee healthcare.


Favorite Answer

umm.... i would say that those stats completely back your premise. Good job!


First of all, and very important his debt will become your debt and credit, tax refunds, cars reposessed, the government can legally sieze everything property wise .. What HE needs to do is to get to domestic relations right away.. and have the support adjusted, He does not need her to do that... His not doing that in the first place should be a huge red flag as any one with any sense would not sit around on his pity pot , not paying or incurrring debt, but instead get to the issue and have domestics adjust it.. they provide this service for free.. he only needs to go there and file a petition to adjust support. The goverment will work with parents in arrears if the parent is in touch and doing all they can.. I see that you defend him quickly that he is not a dead beat dad. .that would mean that he has paid his support.. so then why is he in arrears? She does not have to change the support.. It sounds to me like your guy is feeding you some bull crap.. I have dealt with this issue for 14 years and he is not being up front with you and it also sounds like he just doesn't feel like doing anything about it and conveniently blaming the ex. and you are grabbing that hook line and sinker.. Get informed , then confront him and be careful!


Yeah. I suppose none of that could have to do with the fact that nearly all of those states are also highly agricultural/tribal/ and/or mining based which are all hard working/low pay jobs requiring little formal education.

I guess what you are really showing me here is that the Democrat party being for the "common man" is really a bunch of crap. The Democrat party is really for the NE and Bay Area elite like the Kennedy's and Pelosis who USE the poor and uneducated (mostly of the inner city) to further their political careers, but those out of the ghetto are smart enough to realize you're all a bunch of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do hypocrites only looking out for your wealthy, gay and environmental constituencies.


I'm sorry that your liberal degenerate *** still doesn't get it. You're head is like a damned rock.

Proof cons are more educated and earn more than libbies:

A pew research source:

A libtard website citing the stats:

A con website citing the same source:

The poorer areas in red states are BLUE areas and slums. Just look at New Orleans, a BLUE city full of BLUE thugs that commit BLUE crime that vote for BLUE democrats. The statistics are worsened in each field by these BLUE areas that are infested with BLUE vermin. Visit one. Visit St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, Atlanta, Birmingham, Jackson, and Baton Rouge. I bet your silly *** wouldn't believe what you see.

Get it, you little communist? There's a place where you can shove your theory. I'm sure it will fit.

I'm sorry if you haven't got it upstairs like I have. Maybe one day your eyes will be opened and you'll realize how naive and silly you really are as a liberal digressive.


Republicians tout that they are great with all these things but facts dont lie. They put up a smoke shield of lies. They pray on the poor and ignorant to keep them that way. They only represent the elite and rich and vote themselves raises and send our children to war to die in a God forsaken land far from home for no good reason.

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