What happened to "hi", May I take your order?

I went to a fast food restaurant tonight and the counter girl looks at me and says "Yeah". I ordered because I knew this was all I was going to get. As I ordered she was making hand gestures to someone behind me. Then asked me to repeat my order. Where did all the good customer service go?

♥BUD or BUD LIGHT♥2006-08-30T21:05:07Z

Favorite Answer

customer service!! what customer service?? there is no such thing anymore.. the world has changed since i was growing up. i know i dont like what im seeing now.. kids are so disrespectful now a days.. and they are all getting jobs at fast food restaurants now... its everywhere.. the only thing you can do is call and talk to a manager .. hopefully the problem will be solved..


Sorry about your experience. Sounds like you ran into someone with an attitude problem that night.

Yes, there are some people who do a great job with customer service. I bet this person's boss would handle it a lot different....so would the rude worker if the boss was nearby.

I hope the next time you order, the person behind the counter acts like they are alive, can use appropriate language, and can serve with a smile.


It's BEEN going down the drain for the past 50 years....Right now, don't expect fast food to give you good smiley service - only high end restaurants - and only bc they're told to and they'll get a big tip from you! I know, it's sad. The idea of service is such a norm these days that it doesn't matter to most servers.


Some customer service and information technology has gone to India, where workers take their jobs more serious.

Some customer service has gone after the baby boomers were replaced by the Gen X workers who are on the clock with their cell phones on, friends texting, calling in sick to go to the beach and quitting when the boss asks them to mop the floor.

Yes, it is a sad time we live in.


Welcome to the 21st Century ma'am. I myself am a teenager and I am totally disgusted by the way my fellows behave. They're rude and disrespectful and they treat adults like they don't know what they're doing. (Which, admitedly, G.E. Bush doesn't) I hold the door outside of 7-11's and I always say Please and Thank You. I'm trying to teach my bratty cousin Sarah (fondly known as Beelzebub) manners as well. The way her dad and brother act it is no wonder that she doesn't know how to say please and thank you but, I suppose that's just he way people are becoming. I, for one, am trying to change that by being as polite as I possibly can. This was a good question to ask. I'm sorry on behalf of all teenagers, we really don't always mean to be dissrespectful, we're just pushing limits to see how far we can go before hte consequnces are no longer withstandable.

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