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Short haul, long depends entirely who is at home waiting for them and if they feel she is worth the haul.
I think the over the road truckers prefer the long term long haul relationship while the short trip truckers who do local deliveries are more of the short term types
Lyn I
Wife gives out the short terms, so he Knows he's in for the long haul. lol
Truck drivers are synonymous with long-distance driving which can be very stressing and tiring. They miss intimacy from their families (read wife/girl-friend) and at times snap and long for a woman to embrace or just to keep company. As such keeping long-term relationships may not be easy as they are away for long time spans. So most of them lose their relationships, either because the woman cannot keep with the length of time away or because they need their women more often. So it is not always their wish to keep short-term relationships but a combination of many factors including length of time away, emotional reasons and just need for sex.
Dave B
well you wont be a truck driver if your not in for the long haul.